W is for Wrong-Headed

Saturday, April 26, 2014

What d’you think is the best approach in a situation where parents don’t see eye-to-eye on the behaviour/decision-making capability of their children?

Hop over to the IWSG site for a post on story-weaving.


  1. In Rob's case, he might be a lost cause. Don't give him any more pension checks.

  2. My thoughts exactly. Get your pension cheque direct deposited anyway.

  3. Seems as if the parents have had this kind of conversation for a long time. Perhaps if they showed a united front they wouldn't have a "wrong headed" boy. I was particularly irked by good old Dad when he said, "since the day YOU brought him home from the hospital."

  4. Hi JL! Wow, you have a lot going on on-line! I think a little tough love is needed with Rob! And she needs to opt for direct deposit, so she doesn't need Rob to cash her checks! Have a good one!

  5. An interesting post, and a great site but I couldn't find your follow button. :( Nice to meet through atoz http://aimingforapublishingdeal.blogspot.co.uk/

  6. They need to get on the same page, for sure! Parents disagreeing on childrearing methods is a killer.

  7. Thanks, guys. So true that parents need to present a united front. Otherwise, things tend to go downhill from situation to situation.

  8. communication is the answer to most problems.

  9. This sounds like most of my parent teacher conferences. I'm blown away by what negatives people say about their kids sometimes.

  10. Interesting word for W. I think the parents should talk to each other and then confront the child.


Don't be shy, I'd love to hear what you think.