Moonless & Cassafire

Monday, February 10, 2014

To celebrate the print release of Crystal Collier’s MOONLESS, the bloggers in this hop will be answering a tickle-your-fancy question. Read on...

In the English society of 1768 where women are bred to marry, unattractive Alexia, just sixteen, believes she will end up alone. But on the county doorstep of a neighbor’s estate, she meets a man straight out of her nightmares, one whose blue eyes threaten to consume her whole world—especially when she discovers him standing over her murdered host in the middle of the night.

Her nightmares become reality: a dead baron, red-eyed wraiths, and forbidden love with a man hunted by these creatures. After an attack close to home, Alexia realizes she cannot keep one foot in her old life and one in this new world. To protect her family she must either be sold into a loveless marriage, or escape with her beloved and risk becoming one of the Soulless.

So here's the question: If you lived in a society where arranged marriages were a la mode, whom would you beg your parents to set you up with? Why? (Literary characters and celebrities welcomed.) 

British actor Idris Elba would be my choice. Ever since I discovered the BBC One series, Luther, I've been taken with Elba. Talk about intense and driven. His portrayal of that character speaks to the awesome talent he possesses. Haven't seen him in Pacific Rim or Mandela: The Long Walk to Freedom, but I'll get there. Who doesn't like an intense guy? Well, as long as that intensity doesn't stray into stalker territory. :)

Find the rest of the hop below!

And while you're at it, enter to win one of these great prizes!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Captain Alex’s book Cassafire is still on sale on Amazon until tonight. Hop on over if you haven’t picked up your copy yet. What are people saying?

“…delivers on the promise of its predecessor, combining military action sequences and political intrigue with strong, memorable characters. Reminiscent of the action-driven stories of Robert A. Heinlein's early fiction…” - Library Journal

Alex J. Cavanaugh’s CassaFire just .99 for a limited time!
Amazon - (Feel free to tweet.)


  1. As long as he's not so intense he sucks out all the joy, right?
    Thanks for mentioning CassaFire, Joy!

  2. Ooh! I haven't actually seen that one. Now I'm going to have to check it out. I love intense characters.

  3. He was good in Pacific Rim.

    I like the actor opposite Karl Urban in Almost Human. His eyes are so intense.

  4. I knew you'd choose him, Joy! He is oh-so easy on the eyes.

  5. I am not familiar with him, Joy. Now I will have to check him out:)

  6. Okay, I did not know the series or the actor, but I've now got it on my Netflix list!

  7. Great choice, Joy! Intense is always better. I've never watched it, but I have heard about him through the interweb.

  8. Positive intensity is a big yes. Good choice.

  9. Intense can be good so long as they can also laugh and not be deadly dull. There are some men in the celebrity world with fabulous speaking voices. The dude from Allstate has one. Alan Ricktor does too.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  10. An intense guy could be a great romantic partner.

    Janie Junebug

  11. Intense is great for book/movie characters, but I prefer a more lackadaisical type in real life. (Not as far gone as couch potato, however.) Joy, I have an award for you at my blog if you'd like to accept it!

  12. Fun choice... I love the BBC.... British comedies are my favorite!

    Yes a guy should be intensely PASSIONATE about many things.

  13. I need to see those 2 movies, too! Wonderful to meet a writer from Jamaica . . . I went there on a missions trip to a children's orphanage in 1998 :-)

  14. Ooh, nice choice! And yay for Crystal! Her book is awesome. :)

  15. I saw Pacific Rim, but didn't know who he was by name and looked him up -- and oh, yes, that is a very good choice. ;)

  16. I haven't seen any of his acting, so now I definitely have to! I can tell from his gorgeous eyes it's going to be intense. ;)

  17. so now I have to use google... I'm okay with that and I hope your marriage with him works *wink*

  18. He played in Pacific Rim? Well, I liked all the characters in that movie, but especially Charlie Hunan. Yum yum indeed.


  19. Crystal, Moonless sounds incredible. Congrats!

  20. Excellent choice.
    He was also in both Thor movies! Heimdall!
    Thanks for sharing.

  21. It's official: Crystal and Alex have take over the blogosphere!

  22. I'm not familiar with him, but do love intense men. Nice choice. :)

  23. Intensity is great so long as it doesn't cross over into self-absorbed jerkface territory. ha. :P

    I don't know this character! I've got some learnings to do.

  24. I think you're right, every woman wants a passionate man.

  25. So many great books, and an important question to boot!

  26. I'm finding some interesting mate choices as I visit the bloggers in this hop!

  27. He IS quite yummy!
    Crystal is queen of BloggyVille!

  28. Thanks everybody. Trying to hop around, but having lotsa innernet problems.

  29. I loved seeing everyone's answers to this question! Even found some weddings that I wanted to attend. :) I will have to look up your guys, as I can't place him. Thanks for sharing and year for Crystal!


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