The Girl With The Hazel Eyes tells the tale of an author exiled from her homeland, Barbados, after writing a tell-all that put her life in danger. She hires a young writer from the island nearly a half-century later to pen her biography.
History and politics make this tale more than the ordinary. The corrupt characters and their fight for political power, plus Susan’s ill-fated, maddening “romance” and the poignant account of her mother’s decline kept me turning the pages.
Susan’s idiosyncrasies and the changes that came as she got to know Lia had me invested and when the big reveal came, also Lia’s loss, I was in my feelings, too. Although it’s fiction, I couldn’t help wishing that Lia found love unlike what she’d experienced.
Overall, The Girl With The Hazel Eyes is a good read that explores many facets of the human character. I enjoyed reading about life in Barbados during the period Browning explored and recommend this novel for those who enjoy a Caribbean setting, a bit of skullduggery, and a varied, but distinct, cast of characters.
It sounds like a good read!