How Not To Lose Your Sanity While Being A Writer

Saturday, April 1, 2017

It's hard to believe it's April already, but April it is and the Challenge is with us once more. I'm making things easy on myself this time by talking about staying sane on this writing journey. It's been challenging for me lately and so here I am writing about How Not To Lose Your Sanity While Being A Writer, so here goes:-

Attitude. It is said our attitude will determine our altitude. I'm a firm believer in this saying. If we believe we can, then we will. What we achieve in life will be in line with the effort and energy we put into the things we undertake.

Writing is no different. When I decided I wanted to be a writer, I started by reading everything I could on the craft, and practiced what I learned. I wrote articles and short stories and moved to novels. That was in 2004. Today I've published more than two dozen books.

I believe if we want something badly enough, we'll do what's necessary to get it. So while there will be delays and detours, stay positive and keep going.

Do you have the right attitude for your writing journey? 


  1. I have the write (spelling intended) attitude. I need to work on Drive and Perseverance. Looking forward to the rest of your blog entries.

    1. Thanks for visiting. We do need all these qualities to stay the course.

  2. thank you for your thoughts and reminders on the subject of attitude. I look forward to the rest of the series

  3. I believe I have what it takes: a lover of words, determination, patience... and I'm not scared of hard work!

    (As you mentioned, I also wondered if it was sane to do the A-Z this year...then I drafted all my posts beforehand, so that helped)

    1. Sounds like you have all you need, Michelle. You did the smart thing. Rarely do I get all my posts pre-written.

  4. Maybe not for my writing, but for the IWSG I have the attitude.

    1. You've always maintained that writing a book wasn't a burning desire for you, unlike most of us. :)

  5. Our attitude is the only thing in life we can control.

  6. A little positivity can go a long way. I think I have what it takes to hang on till I get there. Thanks for the timely reminder.

    Best wishes for a great A-Z


  7. Good on you for taking on A to Z. I think I have the right attitude 90% of the time.

    1. I think I must be mad to do the A-Z this year.
      Good job on keeping a positive attitude most of the time.

  8. I really needed this post a few years ago. I'm almost certain I've already lost my sanity; however, I'm taking heed and adjusting my attitude. Thanks, Joy.

    1. Hope all is well, Lee. You always make me smile.

  9. That is a great attitude Joy. Keep it up!

  10. Having a good attitude is a nice beginning to the challenge. I feel like the best attitude is to keep expectations in step with reality.

  11. Well you're kicking my trash. ;) Keep on keeping. That's my only advice. Do what you love, and if you love it enough, the sacrifice is worth it.


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