When You Neglect Prime Real Estate

Monday, August 22, 2016

Yup, I'm talking about this blog. I do a much better job of keeping on top of things when I write them down. Having written out a schedule early in the year, some tasks have been ticked off and more added. It seems I need to make an entry for a once-weekly blog hit and not become so random as to forget to keep this spot current.

In looking at the things I have lined up, I realize that I have books on my plate for completion by year end than what is feasible. Sure, I'd love to complete the three books I have in mind, but before that I have two complete works that need editing. One with an October deadline and the other comes due in December.

Recently, I read a book that recommended taking on no more than three major projects in a year. That would make sense for many of us and then not so much for prolific writers like myself. 

With that said, I'm definitely on the path that says stop and smell the roses. From here on in, I'll pace myself better with the fiction projects. The non-fiction ones are usually by deadline and those can also get stressful. In any event, proper scheduling makes the difference.

Have you been working with a schedule? Do you know what's on the agenda for the next quarter of the year?

I have a post on the Insecure Writer's Support Group blog today that discusses Five Important Skills for the Indie Writer. Hop over and have a look if you have a minute. Enjoy your week! 


  1. I wanted to have the 4th book in the Disaster Crimes Series finished but hit a big writer's block with that. Since then, I've dabble in starting 4 other books. I wrote a bit in each of them before deciding to set them aside to work on when I can really focus on them. Well, all except for one. So I hope to have that one and the 4th book in my series done by the end of the year. I'm not sure if I'll make it.

    Good luck to you with your projects!

  2. You're the envy of those of us who put out a book every other year or less.
    I'm on schedule with the IWSG and my music, but that's about it.

  3. You are very prolific. I feel like you were speaking my thoughts today. I currently am behind on my plans for the year. I do post every Monday and the first Wednesday on my blog but other things are not getting done.

  4. Scheduling can be touch but as a freelance writer I need to keep on working in it since my costumers are not amused by getting work late that they paid for. Congrats on working on improving your schedule. Shows your dedicated Joy.

  5. Actually, I do have most of this last quarter planned out. So many projects you have in the works! Amazing. I can only work on one writing project at a time. More than that and I get distracted. I'll be working on one and get an idea for another which drags me away from what I'm working on.

  6. I would love to be a prolific writer like you. =) Alas, my schedule/commitments lend to a much slower pace. We do what we can with where we're at, eh?

  7. I wish I had the time to write like that. Too busy preparing everyone else's books.

  8. It's so hard to do it all! I don't plan that well - just keep doing the next thing! :)

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