#IWSG Where Did Your Journey Start?

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Once more it's our IWSG post day when writers everywhere release their fears and encourage each other on their writing journey. Many thanks to Captain Alex and his trusty helpers -  Tamara Narayan,Tonja DreckerEllen @ The Cynical SailorLauren @ PensuasionStephen Tremp, and Julie Flanders.

We have a new feature this month, which is a question that we can all answer or not as we choose. So this month's question is
What was your very first piece of writing as an aspiring writer? Where is it now? Collecting dust or has it been published?

I'm not sure what went on before I was twelve because I've drawn a blank, but by that time I was reading romance novels by the dozen and so naturally, I tried my hand at that genre. 

Picture several exercise books taped together with scads of hasty scrawls across the pages. Over time, I wrote a few of these stories that were passed around by my classmates, who loved them.

I have no idea where those stories are today. Most likely they've been eaten by termites like a lot of stuff in our storeroom at home. Although I have nothing left from that time, I'm grateful the muse stayed with me for the twenty intervening years when I wrote nothing but minutes and reports.

So over to you. Do you know where your first piece of writing ended up? 


  1. I bet those stories would be a lot of fun now to read.

  2. Even though they are now lost, they were a part of what shaped you as a writer.

  3. LOL. Wish I could go back in time and witness all of that Joy.

  4. Wouldn't it be amazing to find those? I wrote my first romance in junior high too. It was two pages typed, front and back. I suppose it was a novella ;)

  5. Hi,
    I am glad the muse stayed with you too. That's a wonderful feeling. To write is something very special.
    Wishing you all the best.
    Shalom aleichem,

  6. Bummer they're gone, but they sparked your writing. Like you, I didn't write anything for a long, long time.

  7. The main thing is that the muse stayed with you...now you're popping out stories left, right and centre!

  8. That's sad that you've lost some of your earliest work, but it's great the muse was still there. :)

  9. I believe if you're meant to find them you will. Otherwise, you can live with the knowledge that they brought you to the place you're at today: a gifted romance writer. I should add prolific, too.


Don't be shy, I'd love to hear what you think.