The Last Letter!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

And we're on to the Zs. We made it!

Zahra (f)     Flower, white, princess, origin – African, Arabic, Hebrew
Zakiya (f)    Purity, origin – Swahili
Zeffa (f)      Rose, origin – Portuguese

Zahid (m)   Self-denying, abstinent, origin – Arabic
Zeheb (m)  Gold, origin – Turkish

Zevid (m)    Present - Hebrew

Here's hoping you've had fun on the Challenge!


  1. Some fabulous names throughout the Challenge. Many congratulations for completing it in style and thank you for supporting my posts too. Have a super May!!

  2. I like Zahid! You had a great theme for the challenge! Any expecting parent would enjoy reading the names you listed here while they were looking for names for their baby :)

    Very nicely done; congrats on finishing well!

    Thank you so much for having me be part of your minions; enjoyed that immensely!


  3. Another great list of names! Thanks for enlightening me . I have a great niece named Z. Just the letter and it's really caught on. The family loves it. Yay for finishing the A-Z!!

  4. Great names showcased through the month! Thanks. Have a restful May :)

  5. I'm raiding your posts for African names for my WIP. Aside from that congrats on finishing the challenge Joy!

    Blog: QueendSheena
    2016 A to Z Participant
    Joy Brigade Minion

  6. My very good friend named her daughters Zahn and Zara. I'm not too sure of the origin of Zahn.

    It's a wrap!
    Thank you for this wonderful series. Since I struggle with character names, I'm sure I'll be back to check out the posts I missed.
    Congrats on reaching the finishing line, Joy.
    Writer In Transit

  7. Congratulations on completing the challenge!
    @ScarlettBraden from
    Frankly Scarlett

  8. Your challenge theme was great. Z names always make me think of the middle east.

  9. Thanks so much to all of you for dropping in during the month. Your visits kept me going! Congrats to you too for finishing.

  10. These look fabulous. Not sure how to pronounce most of them. I love the name Zoe. And Zeba. Not sure if that's how it's spelt. Thanks for all the names you introduced me to this challenge, Joy. It was fun learning so many that would otherwise remain a mystery.


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