Os from the African Continent

Monday, April 18, 2016

Oooooh. Those O names are on the front burner today!

Omolara      Pronunciation - aw-maw-LAH-rah, Baby in the family, origin - African
Oni (f)          Pronunciation - AW-nee, born on sacred ground, origin – African
Oydis            Pronunciation - OY-dis, goddess of good luck, origin – Norwegian, Old Norse

Obasi (m)     Pronunciation - oh-BAH-see, in God's honour, origin - African
Omari (m)    Pronunciation - oh-MAH-ree, to flourish/thrive, origin – Arabic
Ondrej (m)   Pronunciation - AWN-drey, virile/manly, origin - Czech, Greek

What names d'you like that start with the letter O?


  1. I bet those were difficult to find. I had a character with an O name in my series.

  2. What fun! I need to go back and read all your letters. Thank you for your efforts! I am # 1605 a body of movement awareness. New to this blogging adventure and loving learning new things!

  3. Super O words. Love the name Omari. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Omari is a nice one; haven't heard of it before.

    The only O name that comes to mind for a guy is Oscar or Olivia for a girl :)


  5. Beautiful names!!! One of the main characters in my Marienstadt series is Oliver and I also have an Oshiro in one of my books.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

  6. Olivia is one of my FAVORITE names. I have a friend with a son, Oliver (she calls him Ollie)

  7. These O names have a very sweet sound. Love saying Omolara.

  8. I likve Ophelia, but then again I'm a fan of Hamlet so...

    Visiting from A to Z!

  9. I love the name Omari! That's a beautiful name!

  10. I had a schoolmate called Omolara! That's a beautiful name!

    Arabic - Osman, and Osama.

    Oindrilla is an Indian one, for a woman

  11. I've always loved the name Ottilie - it fetters in a John Wyndham story. I think she gets lost in the future... love names! Have loads of name dictionaries. ~Liz http://www.lizbrownleepoet.com

  12. I feel like I've seen Omari used as a female name in a sci fi book or show. More great names to be put in my little name book.

    Susan Says

  13. The name Omari is so nice. It makes feel like I could hug my Grandma!

  14. Oscar, Oscar Lee, Odis, Owen, Oakley, Olivia Parker, Ollie Claire, Ollie Katherine, Ollie Grace, Opal

  15. I love the names Oda, Ophelia, Olga, Odetta, Ora, Orit, Omri, Oliver, Olympia, Oskar, Otto, Ottokar, and Olive.

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