Hawaiian Ks

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Kalani (m/f)   The heavens, origin – Hawaiian
Kalea (f)         Joy, happiness, origin – Hawaiian
Kalliope (f)    Beautiful voice, goddess of poetry, one of the nine muses in Greek mythology

Kahili (m)      Pronunciation kah-HEE-lee, feather standard, origin – Hawaiian
Kaiholo (m)  Pronunciaton kie-HO-lo, moving sea, origin – Hawaiian
Kaiser (m)    Pronunciation KIES-ər, German variation of Ceasar, head full of hair,

So the Hawaiian names dominated today. I wonder what L will bring. Any names to share?


  1. Hawaiian names are beautiful.
    The primary K name I used - Kargrandes!

  2. Those are pretty names :) Katie is the only K name that comes to mind this hour of the morning :)


  3. I named my daughter Kathryn and my step-granddaughter has just called her baby boy Kayden.

  4. I love knowing the meanings of names--makes them more significant.

  5. I love K names, particularly the Eastern European forms of names usually written with a C in English, like Klaudia, Klarisa, Karl, Karla, Klara, and Kara.

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