IWSG & November Madness

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Today's another IWSG posting day. It’s time to release your fears and give encouragement to others on the writing journey. Join us by signing up at the Insecure Writer’s Support Group Website. Captain Alex's co-host for today are Stephen Tremp, Karen Walker, Denise Covey, and Tyrean Martinson.

For right now, the main insecurity I have it that I'm doing too much to be able to settle down long enough to cover one thing and this has been going on for a while. It tells me I need to organize myself better.

There's also something about the month of November for me. No matter how smoothly it starts, at some point, the month descends into a crazy hive of activity and I don't get much done. For now, I'm trying to keep calm and deal with things according to the level of importance.

What are your challenges today?


  1. Prioritising is a great art to perfect. Don't take on too much at once. Wishing you a calm and focussed month.

  2. I'm in the same place right now. I'm all over the map with my efforts.

  3. November is usually a laid back month for me, but I've taken on a lot. I need to find focus just as much as you. Keep your head up, I'm sure you'll figure out how to make time for that one thing.

  4. Yup, same here. And it comes from everywhere. Today, the water went out.

  5. Whoever decided should have made November with 50 days. Then maybe we'd get it ALL done. Haha. yeah right.

  6. Keep calm and keep writing, eh? November always does seem a bit crazy. Maybe it's because we're coming up to the end of the year and it's hitting us all that we only have 2 months left.

  7. My challenge? I need to clean up my To Do List before wifey figures out I've been neglecting it.

  8. You've been doing a lot - you should be proud and you also know when the time is right sit back, slow down or prioritize.

  9. I'm usually all over the place as well. I try to focus, but then ... I hope you stay sane--for the most part.

  10. I'm with you on this. I've got so much that it seems like nothing gets done and in the weeks ahead my plate seems like it's going to fill up even more.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out


Don't be shy, I'd love to hear what you think.