The Listing Fest & Hardware!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Bish Denham is celebrating eight years of blogging and she's doing so with the Listing Bloghop. Congrats, Bish! This blog hop is one of the easiest ever.

The rules are:
  • Sign up, grab the banner and make a list.
  • Keep your list to between 5 and 25 items. You can list whatever you feel like (except for adult type content.)
  • Post today and visit fellow participants.

My list has to do with the books I'll be working on for the next six or so months, in terms of writing, editing and formatting. Some of these are sweet romances and the others are romantic suspense.

The Vet's Christmas Pet
Daddy's Dilemma
The Vet's Valentine Gift
Cupid's Gift
Kingston Heat

The list of participants in this blogfest is here. What's on your list?

On another note, my next release is Hardware, which is up for pre-order on Amazon. Hardware is back with me after a stint with a publisher, so it's being spruced up and will be back on the market come November 20. Early birds get the special price!


  1. Wow, you have a lot of books you're working on!
    Thanks for participating in the blog hop.

  2. 7 books and 6 months. You are impressive!

    1. Some of these are written already and need editing. :)

  3. Thanks for listing with me, Joy! You are an inspiration to me with all the writing and sharing you do. Seven new titles! Wonderful!

  4. Thanks for listing with me, Joy! You are an inspiration to me with all the writing and sharing you do. Seven new titles! Wonderful!

  5. That's a lot of books you'll be working on. Good luck!

  6. Wow, you have so much going on. Congrats on the upcoming release. Wish you many, many great reviews and sales.
    Susan Says

  7. You are so ambitious and efficient. Can you put that all in a pill and send it to me?

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. And half the time I think I'm running in circles.

  8. Congrats on the upcoming release. I wish I had that many books in the hopper.

  9. Stopping by on from the list hop -- good luck with your writing projects!


  10. That's a lot of books to work on. Good luck! May the road be smooth and life keep it's nose out. ;)

    1. Thanks, Patricia. I seem to thrive on a crazy schedule.

  11. Congrats on your upcoming release! Also, I'm super impressed with that you have going on. I have a hard enough time with one WIP. Wow!

  12. Hopefully you'll have time to read all those books on your list.

  13. Seven books?
    You'll NEVER be bored, or have writers block because you can move from one project to the next, concentrating on a different aspect for each book.
    Go Joy!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. Yes, it's hard to get stuck since there's always something going on.

  14. Sounds like a great list of books! Enjoy!
    Got my preorder!! :)

  15. Wish I were as prolific as you! Congratulations!

  16. Well you're busy writing as usual, Joy. As I've said before, you're an inspiration of what can be done, but I really don't know how you do it! I finally got my first novella out and that took me ages. Maybe it gets easier over time...?

  17. These are all books you're writing this year? Allow me to go slow blink for awhile. Impressive!

  18. Wow. Congrats on having so many projects bubbling in your stew.

  19. That sounds like a good list of books to work on. Write hard! I believe in you.

  20. I've decided that I'm just a slow writer and that I'm okay with that. I can't believe this is what you are working on over the next 6 or so months. Impressive. I wish you all the best with these.


Don't be shy, I'd love to hear what you think.