IWSG & Christmas Pets & Kisses

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

It's another IWSG post day! The first Wednesday of the month when we IWSGers release our insecurities and fears and offer encouragement to other writers on the journey. This month, Captain Alex's able assistants are TB Markinson, Tamara Narayan, Shannon Lawrence, Stephanie Faris, and Eva E. Solar.

This month, I've been busy finishing up several projects so I haven't had time to dwell on insecurities. A word of encouragement though – don't be afraid to step out on a limb, to try new things. You never know where your adventures will lead.

Don't forget the IWSG Anthology Contest that's open until November 1! The theme is Alternate History/Parallel Universe, so if you write speculative fiction, you need to enter!
Members of the IWSG are encouraged to enter, whether you are a blogging (you should have posted for the IWSG at least once in September or October) or Facebook member. Winners will be published in a royalty-paying anthology in 2016.

Yesterday saw the release of the Christmas Pet & Kisses Boxed Set, which has been doing great so far. At $0.99 for 16 novellas, this set is a steal! If you like heartwarming romances that include pets, these stories are for you! My story, The Vet's Christmas Pet is included.


  1. I love the cover with that pup! Congrats on your boxed set.

  2. What a cute cover! And I agree, it's good to try new things. Ya never know what will happen.

    1. Thanks so much. Yes, it's good to be open to adventures.

  3. Great cover, and what a bargain. No wonder it's doing well! :) Congrats!
    I so badly want to enter the competition but the lack of time and inspiration is seriously hindering me right now :(


  4. It is a nice cover. Christmasy and nostalgic. A winner.

  5. Congratulations. The box set is great!

  6. The cover is priceless. Congratulations. And you're so right about trying new things. It's fun, and you may be surprised at the results.

  7. I love the cover. It is cute. I may be a sucker for dogs. ;)

  8. How fun to see your book in the middle of the boxed set, Joy! One goal I have for the new year is reading more books by IWSG writers. You are definitely on the list. Congrats and good luck! I think I'll go downcast this boxed set now!

    1. Got it! It's hard to beat that 99 cent price. My pile of kindle books to read is getting as big as the pile of hardcopy books on my coffee table and bedside table! Have a good one!

    2. You too. Yes, it's hard to resist at the price. Thanks so much for taking a chance on the book. Hope you enjoy!


Don't be shy, I'd love to hear what you think.