Signatures - A-Z Challenge, Starting & Sustaining A Writing Career

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A signature is a feature or quality you associate with someone or something. I saw a badge weeks ago that said 'Your culture is your signature.' and for me that has proven to be true.

Those who have read anything I've written are aware that Jamaica is a character in my stories. As you can see by the masthead on this blog, I've made the island part of my signature. 

There are several aspects of what we do that form part of our signature. There are our book covers—a series may carry the same feel to clue readers in to the fact that they are connected. Then there is the type and quality of the stories we write. What we do with each book and how well we do it, become part of what readers expect when they sit down with our stories. 

I want to be equated with excellent quality, both in terms of the cosmetics and reading experience that goes with each book. As readers become more familiar with our writing, they should have the confidence to purchase each novel without fear that they are getting a shoddy product. That's what developing your signature is about. 

Then there's your email and blogging signature. Your email is doing a promotional job each time someone opens your mail that includes your blog address and information on what you've written. Some of us get a little fancy and do something like this, which at a glance tells who I am and what I do. 

Have you developed a signature in terms of your writing and do you leave a footprint in your email and while you're visiting other blogs?

A signature always reveals a man's character - and sometimes even his name.
                                                  - Evan Esar

Every thought you produce, anything you say, any action you do, it bears your signature.
                                                 - Nhat Hanh

My other two trusty helpers on this A-Z journey are Sheena-Kay Graham 

and Susan Oloier

Please stop in with these lovely writers and show them some love! Thanks!


  1. My writing style is pretty well set; not necessarily intentionally. It's just how I write. I guess you could call that my signature.

  2. My style is space opera and hopefully that's apparent in everything I do.

  3. I think I have a signature that's funny, fun, and girly--that's what I'm going for anyway! But we need to know that signature and keep it in mind when we write, which isn't always so easy.

    1. Melanie, you're right.

      Yes, Alex, that is sp.

      True that, Stephanie.

  4. Since I write both YA and MG, I guess I have two signatures. That may have a downside by confusing readers about just who I am.

    1. Lee, I'm worse because of the number of genres I'm straddling. I think that's why I've shifted my focus to the island and not the stories.

  5. I would like to think that my voice is my signature in writing.

  6. I need to add something special to mine. So many things, so little time. Thanks for the reminder that I should get on this.

  7. I hope my protagonist is my signature. They're all flawed, but they never give up.

  8. I'm not sure what my signature is. Recently, I opted to use a pen name for a novella series, but didn't want to completely separate it from my website. I wanted people to know I wrote all the books, but understand which ones were YA and which ones were adult. That's caused me to change my signature a bit, but I'm trying to have fun with it.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  9. Your signature is definitely equated with excellence and also with Jamaica. I don't have a signature. Not yet. I know that it is important, but I need to get my books finished and published first. I realize that the experts suggest we do all of this prior to becoming a published author, but there is so much involved with branding, signatures, author website, author platforms, social media presence, unfortunately I was beginning to spread myself too thin. If I don't finish the books then I won't have a need for all of the other necessary requirements for authors. I just made a personal decision to devote my time to accomplishing the number one most important step in becoming a successful author and that is to complete a great book and find an agent and get published.

    I appreciate all of the other things I need to do, but I will have to do them as I get closer to the final, polished, edited , ready to go book.

    Thanks for sharing this. It helps to know what all lies ahead and to know that our job does not end with writing a book.

  10. I have my SciFi science style, although my latest MS is a totally new genre for me.

  11. My signature...I am friendly. Yeah, it is a pretty straight forward signature. Nhat's quote holds true to me. Every imprint you make in life holds your signature and that's the one that matters most to me. You are a hard worker joy. I think your dedication is part of your signature. :)

  12. You have a definite and well-defined signature, Joy. I wish I could say the same. Thanks for the shout-out today. It's been fun helping out.

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