A-Z Challenge & IWSG

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Welcome! My theme this year is Starting & Sustaining A Writing Career. So let's dive right in.


That's the wide-eyed response I get when I tell some people I'm a published writer. The next comment is usually something like: "I used to write and I actually wrote some stories ... one day I'd love to write a novel."

If this is you, or you’re pretty close, with a memoir, novel or short stories you've been playing with for years, I have a question for you.

What's stopping you from gaining the knowledge you need and doing what you love?

Lack of confidence in your ability, maybe?

It's important to be a storyteller at heart, and if you have that talent, the mechanics of the craft of writing can be learned. Since ability is described as the 'power or capacity to do or act physically and mentally' among other things, it means you're on your way if you believe you can. You might not have the skill you need this minute, but with time and willingness to learn, you'll get there.

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities. Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
                                      -Norman Vincent Peale

I'm happy to be a co-host this year and my happy helpers are Philip Verghese 'Ariel', Sheena-Kay Graham, Michele Kimbrough, Susan OloierMichelle Wallace

Today is the IWSG post day as well.  It's the day writers everywhere release their insecurities and share encouragement. Alex's co-hosts today are 

I don't think I'm going to air my insecurities this time around because they are the result of my lack of activity as it pertains to promoting my books, so no complaining from me today! Have fun making the rounds.


  1. Glad to hear you have been successfully promoting your books. Keeping busy is the best way to ward of insecurities! I totally agree that we need to have belief in ourselves and our own abilities - if we don't, how can we expect others too? Best wishes for the challenge.

    Suzanne (IWSG co-host)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks, Suzanne you're up really early on this first day of the Challenge. Have fun!

  2. I am lacking in my own personal struggle to move forward, I stopped writing awhile ago.. never felt it was good enough. I just told my stories like I see them, in journal form.

    Welcome in the "A"... thank you!
    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

    Come Visit: You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

  3. You're right - the mechanics can be learned. True storytelling comes from the heart, and if you're compelled to tell stories, then you can learn the rest. Just start!

  4. Keep practicing and the ability will come.

  5. Practice makes perfect. So many people say 'someday' and don't do the work needed to make it happen.

  6. I think I have some confidence in my ability with regards to writing 'shorts'... need to build that confidence to include much longer pieces...
    Great quote!
    You are the Queen Of Book Promos!

  7. Great point, ability often comes with hard word. Of course you do have to be a little crazy to become a writer too, y'know, just a touch ;)
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  8. I look forward to reading all the posts that have to do with your challenge. Writing professionally is a big step, and I think you seem to do okay. I certainly wouldn't mind a look under the hood, so to speak.

  9. Yes! I think the lack of confidence in ability is a huge obstacle for many of us -- if you are a storyteller at heart then you are likely already telling the stories you want to tell -- it's just the challenge of having the faith in yourself to be able to keep doing it.

  10. I am out on patrol so to speak as one of the Ambassadors of Mr B. I am starting at the easy bit the top of the A to Z list as everyone knows who is who and what they are doing. Well when I say everyone I dont I am drinking tea and eating cake instead.

    Good luck I may be back I need to know how an ageing genius myself can make loads of money writing my little tales. I mean what is wrong with folk, they are brilliant (and cheap).

    Rob Z Tobor

  11. I'm so thrilled to be a part of your team!!! And I'm really looking forward to all of your posts this year. Even though I ventured into the publishing world a few years ago, I can always learn new things. Especially from you!

  12. Here's to celebrating our abilities and to writing fabulous stories.

  13. Sometimes you don't know of your abilities until you give them a try. Well said. :)

  14. I'm happy to hear you don't have anything to be insecure about today! You are filled with Ability!

  15. Ability is earned through practice and work. Maybe a lot of people don't want to put in the work, but it looks like you have.

  16. I like what you say about ability here. It puts things into perspective. I'm sure you have your hands full co-hosting the challenge this year, so thanks for that. Also, good luck with your own challege.

  17. Love your A-Z topic, Starting your career as a writer is difficult, but sustaining it may be harder. It's like starting a diet. You can lose the weight, but can you keep it off? That's the hard part. Looking forward to your thoughts on this topic.

  18. Ever since I've became a writer, if someone says they want to write a book, I instantly encourage them. It's really not that hard (although at the same time it is difficult.)

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  19. Great way to start this challenge!

  20. Having a storyteller's heart is a start. Luckily the rest can be learned. :-)

    Anna from Elements of Writing

  21. Amen Joy. Ability plus perseverance will see you through.

  22. Great encouragement for those on the cusp of writing that book.

    Happy A to Z Jill

  23. Believing in yourself is definitely a good way to start.

  24. I'm thrilled for you and your success, Joy. I feel inspired by your post, too. Congratulations, and here's wishing you continuing success.

  25. You're right. You just gotta jump in and try. You learn as you do.
    Play off the Page

  26. Love your response to those who say they want to write...someday. Have fun with the A to Z challenge.

  27. Wonderful post. So motivating and freeing. I would have loved to read a post like this when I first started.

  28. Wonderful post. So motivating and freeing. I would have loved to read a post like this when I first started.

  29. I know I'm reading these backwards but belief totally trumps ability in my book. I know a whole lot of people who SHOULDN'T have been capable of doing what they did- but they did it because they didn't listen to the people who told them they couldn't. Ability is a rather mall piece of the puzzle.

  30. Wow. I've just been through and read all your A-Z posts (backwards, that's why my comment is here rather than on your reflections post!) I absolutely love this theme. One of my New Year's resolutions this year was to write the novel I've been toying with for years. These posts have given me the kick up the ass I need to get started! Thank you so much.
    Popping by on the A to Z Road Trip


Don't be shy, I'd love to hear what you think.