A-Z Theme Reveal!

Monday, March 23, 2015

The Challenge is drawing ever closer and today is the theme reveal! For several years now, I've done themes around writing - The A-Z of Characters (2011), Blog Tours from A-Z (2013),  Scenarios from A-Z (2014) and this year, I'll be focusing on The A-Z Guide to Starting And Sustaining A Writing Career.

Apart from practical information and advice, there will be tidbits of encouragement, and we all need some of that right? So stay tuned for this journey in which I share the do and don'ts I've learned over the years.

I'm rolling another little something around in my head that will help A-Z participants, but not 100% sure I'll be able to do both. We'll see.
In the event that you want to help with visiting blogs during the Challenge, hit me up because the Brigade still has a few spots open!
See you on the A-Z trail! Check out the others in the theme reveal here.

Still haven't signed up for the Challenge yet? Go here

I'm off and running, so if I don't respond to your comments here, expect to see me at your corner of Blogville. Have your posts planned out yet? Selected a theme? Looking forward to April?


  1. I'm sure your theme will be a great help and inspiration to aspiring writers. Nothing like giving others a leg up in their field of endeavor!
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B ~ One of Tremp's Troops with the
    A to Z Challenge

  2. I've learned so much, Barbara, paying it forward will help someone along the way.

  3. Oh, this one sounds useful! :) I'll definitely be following it. Thanks for the visit! :)

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - The crazy thing about Hungarians...

  4. I need to be encouraged... you don't know how much!

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2015]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

  5. I need all the help I can get. I'll be stopping by every day.

  6. This theme is going to help so many people. I'll be sure to take notes. :)

  7. Sounds like just what I need. Looking forward to it!

  8. I definitely need some help and advice in that arena. So definitely looking forward to visiting here everyday in April.

  9. Fun! I love that there are so many themes this year that will help us learn more and improve in our writing/blogging.

  10. I'm always looking for tips and hints on writing and editing, especially self-publishing (since I have yet to make The Great Leap). looking forward to the challenge!

  11. Great theme. I'll be reading every day for sure. =)

    ~Patricia Lynne~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  12. That should be a fab theme, J.L. Looking forward to reading your posts.

  13. I will definitely be following you during the challenge!! Cheers!

  14. Adding you to my Favorites Folder A to Z blogs I want to check out during the challenge. I figure that is the best way for me to be able to keep track and find the blogs I actually want to check out during this wonderful A to Z challenge. I look forward to reading your guide to starting and sustaining a writing career! Peace!

  15. Can't wait to see what your write. Meaning is one of the topics will include getting out of your jimjams.

  16. Sounds very interesting. God only knows we all need more advice on the matter. Look forward to reading.

  17. Anything on writing that helps writers will be good.

  18. We could all use the extra help!

  19. Sounds like a good theme! I know writers will appreciate any tips they can get!! Have fun with the challenge!


  20. Long time no read! I look forward to reading about what you think about writing. I think you are an excellent writer! It will be fun to go behind the scenes with you.

  21. Great theme! I look forward to hearing some nuggets of wisdom.

  22. Looking forward to your tips on writing :)

  23. Here from the A-Z this time :) and that is a helpful theme. Look forward to your tips and tricks on writing.
    Best wishes,

  24. This is a theme that many of us can likely learn something from. I need a career.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Wrote By Rote

  25. Great theme! Yes, I have a theme! Yes, I am ready, and have my posts ready to go! Good luck fellow A to Z Co-Host! lisabuiecollard.com

  26. I can always use good advice. Excellent theme!

  27. Ooooooo, love it!
    Sounds like I am going to get some good advice :)

  28. I LOVE the sound of your theme, Joy!
    It's "talking" to me. LOL
    I'll need to visit every day... don't want to miss out on any info you'll have on offer!

  29. Can't wait to read these posts!! I am a follower now. :)

  30. I can't wait to read your posts this year. You always write such resourceful and interesting blog post and this will be no exception. I've come across quite a few themes that focus on writing, but you've added a unique twist to yours. I think we can all use some help with starting and sustaining a writing career. You picked an awesome theme that we are all certain to benefit from.

  31. Great theme! I'm looking forward to reading your posts.

  32. JL, great theme. I'm always starting a writing career as the times are always changing and often I feel I need to start from scratch. So I look forward to your posts.

  33. This will be helpful for your blog readers. I'm always interested in do's and don'ts.

  34. Your posts are always so informative and helpful. Looking forward to your theme. And I love the Joyful Brigade minion! :)

  35. Great theme! This is something, you can never learn enough about it. looking forward to your posts! :)

  36. Good luck on your challenge! Sounds like a great theme for writers to check out :)

    Anna @ herding cats & burning soup

  37. That's a great theme. Helpful too. I'll make sure to stop by and follow.

  38. Great theme! I'm sure it will be helpful to many! Thanks in advance for all the hard work you will be doing for the A to Z this year!

  39. Wouldn't you know it, my internet connection is taking this opportunity to slow down. Grrr. It's taken me a few days to be able to comment. I'll be following along on your journey, Joy!


Don't be shy, I'd love to hear what you think.