2015 on the Writing Front

Monday, November 24, 2014

November is one of those months that start out normally for me and then descends into madness. This one has been no different. Luckily, I got ahead of my NaNo wordcount before things started hopping. With two 15 and 12-hour days at work this past Saturday and Sunday, there was no time to write.

I tried to do a little something last night, but only got in 200 words before exhaustion swept me away from the computer. However, the time I put into writing early in the week ensured that I didn't feel guilty about leaving my story and dropping into bed.

Lately, I've been reading a few self-help books about time management and making the most of my situation. There are many simple things I can do to improve my focus and make better use of my time. 

Something I have started doing is to look at 2015 with a view to deciding what I will be doing in terms of stories to be published and what time will be spent writing. It's a good time to assess what I've done this year and what areas need improvement.

Through NaNo, I've proven to myself that I still have the discipline of yesteryear - to stick with a schedule, plot stories and write every day. I've learned this November, that no matter how far I've strayed from being organized and focused, I can change the way I operate when I have a clear goal in view. Don't think I don't know about maximizing time and efficiency, I just fall off the wagon way too often.

For 2015, I have a simple plan, based on the host of unfinished books I have on my hard drive—plus there are the ideas …

1. Decide on a publication schedule.
2. Write to meet that schedule.
3. Explore different avenues for book distribution.
4. Repeat said process.

Have you learned any lessons lately about your life and writing and have you made any plans yet for 2015?


  1. November is a month of madness, to be sure. I wish you the best on all of your projects and goals, my friend! Have a super duper Monday!

    1. Thanks! Enjoy your day too and thanks for dropping in.

  2. Glad you got ahead in your writing.
    I'm already planning 2015, what with a book release and the A to Z Challenge.

    1. Alex, I know that you are a master at organization, which I need to work on. Also need to get moving on my A-Z too.

  3. It's great that you're planning ahead! I'm trying to figure out a plan for getting things done. It's a long process, but I think I need some structure or I won't commit to getting everything done.

    1. It's the same with me, Sarah. I'm so indisciplined that if I don't work out a plan, I get nothing done or I wander around doing things randomly, which doesn't always foster productivity.

  4. I need to start planning my 2015. I've been so busy working on the projects of others that I've forgotten my own.

    1. Hi, Diane, hope you get going with that. It does help to even get started with the first major thing for next year.

  5. Because of an unexpected deadline, I found out that I can write really fast when I'm forced to.

    1. I tend to work well under pressure too, Susan, but do try to pace myself as best I can.

  6. The first is that I need a plan. I didn't make one that last two years and everything went kaput!

    Hey, the fact you wrote anything after a 12-15 hour work day is impressive.

    1. It was only 200 words that got written. :) Planning is really important and I aim to get it done.

  7. You've already planned 2015? I don't even know what I'm doing next month. Which means you're really on top of things. By this time next year, you'll have made great strides. :)

    1. David, I'm working on it. Have an idea of how many stories I want to put out, but need to stick them and the writing/editing schedule on a calendar.

  8. I think you've got great goals for the new year. I've been working on my goals myself. I've had a crazy year and I wasn't expecting a separation nor divorce. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks, Clarissa. I hope things are smoother for you now. Enjoy your week too.

  9. Good for you! 2014 has been a tough one, I'm hoping 2015 will let me follow my plans more :)

    1. Sending good wishes and positive vibes your way, Jemi.

  10. Glad you're doing so well with NaNo! You are wise to start planning for next year. This year really flew by.


    1. True, Julie. I can't believe the time has gone so quickly. I do need to structure my time well, if I hope to get the things I plan to do, done.

  11. Normally I have big plans ready for the New Year, but this time I don't. I've been focused on other things, things that need sorting before I can focus on ANYthing. Sigh. Best wishes for your plans, Joy.

    1. Lynda, I'm sure you'll get there. Sometimes being derailed worked out for good and if not, there's a blessing in everything.

  12. Joy, thanks for the inspiration.
    I can say that 2014 has been a great year for me, in the sense that I've realised that I CAN write a longer story, not only flash fiction. It's been a major learning curve...
    This knowledge will impact my goals for 2015...big time!

    1. Well done, Michelle. As long was we're moving forward, we're learning and that's important.

  13. Truthfully, the pregnancy has gotten the best of me. I've found it almost impossible to write when expecting in the past, and this time is a little different, but not much. I'm making a snails progress on the writing front, but my family has been getting so much more time. I guess that's my focus right now, and that's probably okay, right?

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

    1. Yup, that's a win-win situation. Take your time, the family is so much more important than writing.

  14. I should probably confess that since I've been blogging, I've read so many near-madness posts about their experience with NaNo that it's kept me from getting involved. Haha. Yes, I'm part chicken and part lazy.

    1. Joylene, it is indeed a crazy thing to do, but this year has taught me that I can still discipline myself. I'm one of those writers who go for ages without putting hand to keyboard and another time, I'll be on fire and can't stop writing.

  15. I like your plan and will cheer you on as you succeed. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Anna. I'll be going full steam ahead.

  16. Great ideas, Joy. I find I can't expect to write as fast as others. it's just not feasible for me and my time management and to remember that. good luck finishing nano!!

    1. Tammy, it is important to remember to go at our own pace despite the dreams we often set. Sometimes I wonder at writers who produce books every couple of months, but I also realize that it's a much longer process for me based on my neuroses. To each his own, but in the end, we're all progressing at our own pace.

  17. I hope you have a great and successful 2015, Joy! I'm going to try to stick to those plans too. But for now, it's the usual crazy Nov/Dec lol...

    1. Hey, Rula,
      Hope you're feeling much better.
      I guess we have to give and take in this next month.
      Craziness abounds!


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