IWSG and One Writer's Insecurity

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Today is the Insecure Writer’s Support Group posting day. It’s time to release our fears to the world or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click here and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. Try to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your encouragement will be appreciated.

Alex’s co-hosts for today are Krista McLaughlin, Kim Van Sickler, Heather Gardner, and Hart Johnson. Be sure to drop by their blogs and express your thanks. Now on to my insecurity…

While browsing through books on Amazon a couple of days ago, I thought I'd have a look at what another author was doing because people who read my books also buy hers, so they're listed together on the display pages.

I discovered something curious. Currently, I have about a dozen books on the market. When I had half that number published, the other author had even less. It seems that in a very short time this industrious author has published twice the number of books that I now have on sale. Can you say envious?

After I got over that shock, I wondered, well, what exactly have I been doing? After drawing unkind comparisons—thinking I'm such a waster, I slowed down long enough to realize this person is writing full time. Still, it boggled my mind that this writer was able to produce all of those books in such a short time and guess what? She's doing a lot better than I am in terms of sales and has tons of reviews on some books. Curiouser and Curiouser.

A quick analysis told me that she'd been brave enough to give away some of her books, and it has obviously worked for her. Me? I'm wary of the people who rush to grab free books, any books, and then complain that it wasn't what they expected. I have more than 350 reviews on the book I've made perma-free and let me tell you, if I hadn't stopped reading the cutting and demeaning reviews, I'd have given up writing by now.

After I realized how smart this particular author has been, I stopped raking myself over the coals. I've had a demanding full-time job, which I've left so I can do more writing. The irony is, I'm doing more writing, but not in the fiction department, so I still haven't achieved my goal, but I am grateful that I am able to do what I love.

Am I frustrated that I can't spend more time writing fiction?
Will I continue to go at a pace with which I'm comfortable?
Will I continue to write for the love of it?

The answer to all those questions is yes, but you know what? We're all on a different journey and there's a quote I like that speaks to the pressure we  put on ourselves - Too many people undervalue what they are and overvalue what they're not.

Do you do this?

On another note, the winner of the Rafflecopter giveaway is Michelle Wallace! She won three books in the Island Adventure Series. Congrats, Michelle! I'll be in touch. In celebration of the release of Taming Celeste, I’ve made the books in this series 0.99 each for a limited time. 


  1. Writing full time is definitely an advantage. I know I'm a slow producer, so I don't even worry about it.
    Even if you can't write as many books as she, there are other things you can do to emulate her success.

    1. So true, Alex. I learned a thing or two, but just need the courage to take the leap.

  2. I do! I am trying really hard not to undervalue as much as I do. It's a terrible habit I've always had.

    1. Julie, I think we all compare ourselves with others even though we know it's not smart. I guess it's part of being human.

  3. "Want to be happy? Stop comparing yourself to others." I can't find the origin of this quote online, or the actual quote itself, maybe its Buddhist or an ancient Chinese proverb, but you get the gist of it. There is nothing more truer than that.

    Another one that I love is, "You are an expert, the very best, at being you." - I can't find that one's origin either. :-)

    1. Thanks for this, Tanya. You'd think by now we'd know better that going down the comparison road. :)

  4. I am just trying to get my foot in the publishing door. So I can't say that I understand, but what it does tell me, as I have always figured....is that writers published or unpublished always have self doubt and insecurities about their own work. My only advice is what I try to follow.. Be true to ME and everything else will fall into place!


    1. So true, Shelly,
      We are on our individual journey and should accept, understand and value who we are. Dunno why we figure things are better on the other side of the fence.

  5. You have to not try to compare yourself to other people. Do what you can do and be happy with what you accomplish.

    Happy Blitz Day!

    1. Thanks, Sherry,
      Sometimes I forget to be grateful, but each time I remind myself of all the good stuff that has happened to me through writing and all the people I've come to know.

  6. Try not to compare yourself to what someone else has done--look at what you've already accomplished! I'd kill to just have one book published. Write because it's what you love to do, not because you think you should be doing more of it just to keep up.

    1. Sarah, thanks. It is amazing what we see when we stop long enough to appreciate what we have. Thanks for that reminder. I write for the love of it and that's what I'll continue to do.

  7. the bottom line is in what you just said here: we all need to be grateful that we are able to do what we love and we need to continue doing it because we love it, not because we want to sell more. :-)

    1. Well said, E.E. :)
      Thanks for visiting.

    2. Well said. Satisfaction comes from simply doing what we love.

  8. Making the first book in a series free works. I can attest to this.

    1. Taking your advice on this. Thanks for visiting.

  9. It's so easy to compare. And you don't know that she didn't have a lot of books already written that just needed polishing before being published. When you have a series, the first book being free can help. Just don't give away one when you've nothing else to offer.

    1. Hi, Diane,

      Thanks, I should know all about having stuff stored up. I guess my writing could also look that way too, I wrote a LOT of books before I was published. Since I was published my writing has slowed to a trickle.

  10. Happy blitz day! Try not to compare yourself to another author, although I know it's tempting. Being super-prolific is not for everyone, and if you can pace yourself according to what your life allows, you're doing a splendid job!

  11. I think you've been doing an amazing job, J.L.! But I know how easy it is to compare ourselves and our books to another author and their books. I am constantly envious of authors who publish 2-3 books a year, and write thousands of words a day. You could say I write full time, but I still can't write as much as they do. I'm also wary of giving away my books for free for the reasons you said. Even if the blurb and all of your book information is clearly there, people still review it saying it's not what they expected. Smh. Keep your head up, you're doing a great job! And Happy Blitz Day!! :)

    1. Thanks so much for the encouragement, Chrys. Although I used to be a prolific writer, I don't think I've ever gone beyond NaNoWriMo numbers on any given day. There's something to be said for consistency. That's what makes up for not being wired to churn out thousands of words in a day.

  12. Yes, you've done awesomely, especially having written while you held down a full-time job! It's always detrimental to compare ourselves to others...but sometimes we can't help it. ;o)

    1. Thanks, Carol. I'm happy I don't get stuck on the comparison boat for long. :)

  13. Yes, we're all on different journeys, writing different kinds of books, and with different long-term goals. Gah, I would have jumped out a window years ago if I compared myself to the prolific writers around me. In fact, I had to stop querying my last novel because I know I'm such a slow writer that I wanted to have TWO novels finished and ready to go in this trilogy before I attempted publication. I'm hoping I've bought myself enough time to write the third while the other two find a home in publishing. So, yeah, I think you're doing great on your own schedule. :)

    1. L.G., that sounds like a smart plan. I hope you have enough time to get that third book written. Keep going, you'll get there. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  14. It's too easy to become envious of another's success or catalog. But you have a lot of books out. We all have our own journey. The luck bug will strike us all differently too. I think we just have to own our journeys and be darn proud of them.

    1. For sure, Mary. Each journey is unique. Staying the course is important to realizing our dreams.

  15. I can totally relate to this! I am a slow writer and sometimes wish I could bang out a first draft in 3 months or less. But I just can't. And that's ok! Also, I love that quote. And Happy Blitz!

    1. Thanks, Leandra, our responsibilities help make life interesting. Pacing myself properly is probably why I don't experience burn-out and that's a good thing.

  16. I can only write so fast. If I try to write faster it comes out as drivel. I have gotten faster, though. I can draft a novel in 6 months. That is good for me.

    1. Good on you, Catherine. I can go quickly if the story is flowing, but it's the time that's a challenge. Still, I think I just need to do a proper schedule and stick with it.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. You are always gonna have self doubt. In every faucet of your life, really. As long as you do your best, exhaust doable options that are agreeable to you, then let it rest. We believe in you!!

    1. Awwww, Tammy. Too true. Need to kick that self doubt when it comes creeping in. Gonna do my best, explore and use available options and be happy with what I'm doing. :)

  19. So brave of you to be able to look closely at your process and results in comparison to someone else's. Sometimes this leads to an avalanche of self-doubt and frustration. But I love your statement about us all being on a different journey. Be kind to yourself by rewarding your accomplishments. I have a feeling you are on the right path...

    1. Thanks, Kellie. Every so often, I have these periods where I wonder if it's all worth it. Thankfully, they don't last long.

  20. I try not to compare myself to anyone else. I go at a pace that not many want to travel. I'm super slow, like the tortoise, but I'm also very happy and enjoying the journey. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

    1. Smart move, Anna. I think being happy at your own pace is not only wise, but makes for peace of mind.

  21. It's so easy to let ourselves feel defeated. Just know that this too will pass. There is always someone behind us and ahead of us. Apparently, even Ms. Rowlings feels this way.

    1. HI, Joylenem
      I'm soooo happy the slumps don't last long.

  22. Elsie, it's good to be reminded of the fact that I enjoy making up stories. That's the best part. :)

  23. Why compare yourself to another writer? You come from different places; you're two different people. You'll only make yourself sick trying to be what [you think] someone else is. Follow your own path. Write what feels right as quickly or slowly as feels right. Be your own self.

    1. Great advice, Diane. The negative thoughts come mainly when I have something new out and nothing seems to be happening. Better to keep busy doing something than moping around wasting mental energy, right?

  24. Hello Joy!

    Yes, we do it all the time. We compare ourselves unfavorably with other people. Why do we do it? Maybe human nature?

    All the best!

    1. I guess we go through different phases based on what's happening to us. It's important to remind myself not to get stuck in a negative groove.

  25. I think I would be in the "give away for free" boat, at least for promotions and so on. And I would definitely want to have one or two works that were perma-free, just for people to have an "entry point".

    1. I understand the way it works and why people do it. It can be looked at as a form of investment.

  26. LOVE the insecure writers idea! Glad I stopped by!

  27. I think it's amazing that you have so many books published and a book with over 300 reviews is phenomenal - it sounds like you are doing something very right to me. :)

    1. Thanks, Kimberly. This indie journey entails a lot of trial and error.

  28. You do need to pace yourself. It is likely the faster you get there, the faster you burn out.

    Sometimes I compare myself to others too, but like you, I have to remind myself I am happy with my slow journey - aside from wishing money would just rain down with instant fame :)

    1. Donna, yes the fame and fortune would be cool, but of course, burnout is no fun. Reality check in place. :)

  29. Happy blitz Day.

  30. We make things difficult for ourselves when we start comparing ourselves to other authors. We have to find what works for us individually and stick with that. Because that's what will make us happy.

    1. I agree. It's hard enough getting our work noticed already. Comparison only makes things worse and despite the level of sales I'm seeing, I'm happy with just being able to write.

  31. I tell ya, I look at other writers and how fast they produce and I'm totally envious. BUT...I've realized I'm a slow writer. I'm a slow editor. It's just the way I am.

    I think what you've already accomplished is darn amazing.

    1. Julie, thanks for visiting and for making me smile. I think I take what I do for granted and the truth is that I shouldn't.

  32. So glad you found time to do more writing. You've got a good amount of books out; please stop comparing yourself to others. If Christine's Odyssey is any indication of your writing talent, then keep doing what you're doing and don't worry about the other author. This was a great topic for the IWSG.

    BTW, Happy Blog Blitz Day to you JL!! :)

    1. Lilica, thanks for your kind words. Thanks to all the blitzers, I may never have a moment of doubt again. I put that moment of weakness down to the fact that creative people can get in a funk over anything to do with their artform. :)

  33. Ah, the comparison game...it's hard not to compare youreself to other authors sometimes, but you're right - we're all on different journeys, and you've achieved a lot! :)

    1. Thanks, Emma. I need to keep minding my own journey. Thanks for stopping in.

  34. Is it possible that she had lots in WIP or just unpublished when she finally found a publisher, so now she is just publishing what she had already written? I am not published yet, so no one for me to compare to, except all those who started after me and now have more than one book out there. Happy blitz day.

    1. That's definitely a possibility. Before I was published, I had at least a half dozen stories due for editing. Keep moving forward and keeping your dream alive. Thanks for coming by.

  35. Interesting post! It does make you wonder what methods other writer's use and how some progress and others work tirelessly and only achieve small advances. It seems very hard at times to get ahead, especially with full time work and a family to look after. Happy Blitz Day and keep plodding along.

    1. True, Carolyn. The business of life is what prevents many people from devoting more time to writing. I joined a group to try and stick to some kind of schedule. Trying to do at least some writing each day.

  36. What an excellent quote, and one that I would definitely apply to myself.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!!!

  37. I refuse to compare my self, my rate of progress or any aspect of what I do with others. Why? Because I know I'll end up beating myself up, and I do enough of that already. That we are all aiming for similar goals, but taking our own individual paths just confirms to me what I have long believed - we are none of us unique, yet we all are.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!

    1. Smart, Keith. Love your closing phrase. So true. Thanks for visiting.

  38. And now, you've also been Blitzed!!!

  39. It's hard not to compare ourselves to our peers, but it is not that useful. You write at your pace. She writes at her pace. Perhaps you can glean some inspiration from her, but you are still your awesome self.
    Enjoy your Blitz Day.
    Elizabeth Hein - Scribbling in the Storage Room

    1. Elizabeth, yes, we find inspiration everywhere, but must be true to what we're about on our own journey. Thanks.

  40. Happy Blitz. Sounds like you have the right perspective. Nothing says that all of this author's output is quality. Write what you are proud of putting out to the public. Sounds to me like you are doing very well. Stay true

    1. Joanne, you are so right. One of the things that's important to me is putting out quality books. When I write a story, it is with the hope that the characters are memorable and their story unique.

  41. Happy Blitz Day!

    I think we are all on our own journey, and you've done so well, I'm envious. Lol I'm sure the fiction writing will pick up for you.

    1. Trying to pick up the word count. Not great so far, but there's always tomorrow.

  42. So hard not to compare ourselves, but better to follow our path. Happy Blitz Day!

  43. Hi, J.L.! ;-) Taking our own path is a hard, long road, but worth it in the end when we're proud of what we've accomplished. Happy Blitz Day!

    1. Thanks. Too often we don't take the time to appreciate our own achievements.

  44. Too many people undervalue what they are and overvalue what they're not..

    I love it...and understand it! Such a perfect post for a BLITZ day! :) Enjoy.

    1. Thanks for organizing this, DL. The encouragement has been awesome. Still making my way down the list.

  45. Great post. I do it all the time. I know we all have different journeys, but sometimes it's hard when you compare yourself to someone else. Happy blitz day! :)

    1. Thanks, Christine. This could be why the Desiderata suggests we don't do the comparison thing. :)

  46. Since I don't self publish, I haven't come across that problem. Remember, it's quality and not quantity.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  47. I try not to think of my productivity (or lack of it) otherwise I might sink into a pit of despair. You're doing pretty great in my view.

    Happy Blitz Day!

    Tossing It Out

    1. This made me chuckle, Arlee. Yes, it's better to think on the positive rather than focus on what's undone.

  48. Have no idea if my other post worked or not ... so trying again. Excellent post which reflects sentiments of many of us. #Happy Blitz Day

    1. Trying to find my way to your blog, but only found another Susan Stuckey.
      Thanks for visiting.

  49. That's an excellent quote, one I'm going to remember. Why are we so rarely happy with ourselves and all that we already are? Sheesh!

    Stopping by from the Blitz!

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

    1. Dunno, Madeline. we should reject the doubts when they come and not give them room to thrive.

  50. I WON! YAY! Thanks Joy!
    I think you are VERY PRODUCTIVE. So don't worry!

  51. we're all hard on ourselves--but as long as we can get through it and write we're golden! happy blitz!! :)

    1. Writing through everything is important, Beth. Thanks!

  52. Oh yeah, comparing ourselves to others is like poison. But hey, if you want to compare yourself to an author who will make you feel better about yourself---look at me! 1st novel came out over 4 years ago and I have a whopping 2 novels out now w/ a 3rd on the way in 2015 and less than a handful of short stories. And sales levels are nowhere close to me being able to even dream of quitting the day job. Yet somehow I feel truly blessed and happy to be where I am---and that's because I continually answer yes to your questions #2 & #3.

    In short, you're doing amazing.

    Happy Blitz Day!

    1. Nicki, thanks for stopping in. You've made me chuckle. Some of us are over-achievers who would be better served by taking things easy.

  53. Not sure what happened to my post. It may be here twice. Please feel free to delete one. :)

    It does sound like you're doing amazing things.
    Keep moving forward.


    You've been blitzed!
    I hope you enjoy your day!


    1. Thanks, Heather. One foot in front of the other. Moving right along according to plan.

  54. There are so many trite metaphors that have been coined to describe this very thing. The number of books you have out is a wonderful accopmlishment!

    Happy Blitz Day

  55. I loved what you said at the end with your sentence in bold. So true. It's so easy to compare ourselves, especially as writers. But you have a dozen books out--that's amazing!
    Hope you feel encouraged today--happy blitz!

    1. Yes, Jenni, the encouragement certainly helped.

  56. You worked full-time and still managed to find time to write. Kudos! Personally, I find that amazing! Happy Blitz Day!

  57. That is a great quote. You should be proud of what you have achieved and of what I am sure you will achieve in the future. Happy writing and happy blitz day!

    1. Thanks for your good wishes. Working on the gratitude department. :)

  58. Keep on writing and avoid reading reviews! Congratulations on your success so far and have a great day of blitzing.

    1. Thanks, Greg,
      I'm at the point where I only read reviews now and then.

  59. I so wish I could be more productive as well, but we're all on a different path in life. Maybe she had several books already written before publication? It's all relative really, the main thing is to be proud of the books you do write and publish, forget the rest. I think you're doing an outstanding job writing, blogging, and publishing, if that's worth anything. :)

    1. Thanks, Elise. Isn't it terrible how we easily forget what we've already achieved on our journey?

  60. Great post! As I was reading it, I completely related, but to something very different. I skate with a roller derby league, and I am constantly down on myself about my own progress, especially when newer skaters get their skills down faster than me and excel past me in the league rankings. It's so frustrating! But then I take a look at reasons why that might be occurring, and, like you, there are differences in our approaches - time we are able to spend skating, experience, etc. Anyway, it's a constant struggle for me, and I could relate to what you wrote a lot! Happy blitz day - you deserve it! Cheers, marci from fuzzyundertones.com

  61. With all the variables involved, comparing ourselves and/or our accomplishments to what others have done is a meaningless waste of time. YOU have accomplished a lot, and what's more, you've managed to do it while holding down a full-time job and handling whatever other responsibilities you have. That's fantastic! Be happy! But ya better hold on, in case you get a little woozy, because you, my dear, are getting BLITZED today! Enjoy.

  62. Writers face enough rejection without rejecting ourselves. Of course, we do it even when we know we shouldn't. :-) Happy Blitz Day!!

  63. I am going to be as honest as I can be here about MY buying habits. I tend to try an author with a free book - if they are an unknown to me - much faster than I would at full price or even $.99. So, I wouldn't abandon the free book idea when you have several others available for purchase. Not a great idea if you only have ONE book available. I can only speak for me, but I rarely write a book review no matter how I felt about the book. And I give limited attention to existing book reviews as a buyer. So, while I know you feel every review personally... keep in mind that half the people have no idea what they are talking about and if you knew them you would disregard their opinion (because you know them). Instead, look at it this way 350 people took the time to review the book (never mind what they said). That means at least 350 read it and didn't review it. With those numbers, your sales on your other books HAD to have gone up. The numbers make it impossible for it NOT to have happened.

    Hang in there!!!

  64. The free book idea is a good one - from a reader's POV (although I do claim to be a writer as well) if I read a free book and I don't like it, well I haven't lost anything.

    But if I read a free book and I like it then I've discovered a new author... to add to my constantly growing to read list (where free books come in handy to prevent me going bankrupt!),

    Happy Blitz Day!! :)


  65. Great post! I really appreciate the encouragement to be thankful for what you are and have done.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!

  66. It's never a good idea to compare yourself to other authors. That's one good way to make yourself crazy. Happy Blitz Day!

  67. I admire you for having the guts to quit a job to pursue writing - kudos to you & hope you're extra successful!
    The free book deal is a good idea. I'm like many others who have commented (Happy Blitz Day, btw!) if I wasn't familiar with an author, I'd prefer to try something free and not be out anything other than some reading time.

  68. We all face these dilemmas from time to time. Keep going, you're doing a great job already. Happy Blitz day too! :)

  69. I know it is hard not to compare yourself to others. Be proud of what you accomplished. I wish I was a writer. Happy Blitz Day!

  70. Happy Blitz Day! I can relate to your insecurities, and I have a demanding job (that I do love) that keeps me from writing a lot. Maybe someday we'll be able to write full-time . . . I guess everything happens in its own time :-)

  71. And yet I wish I were in your shoes, with 350 reviews and all . . . Happy Blitz.

  72. Well, I'm not feeling insecure, but I am feeling...BLITZ!

  73. My insecurities get the better of me all the time. My book comes out next summer, and I already have all kinds of anxiety about how it will be received. I'm also a mom to an 11-month-old, and I'm forever guilt-ridden about balancing my time between him and my writing and my housework. So.. I hear you!

  74. When I worked full time I envied those who wrote full time. I'm glad I get to be one of them now. I'm writing more than twice as fast as before.
    Happy Blitz!

  75. Firstly, happy Blitz day!
    Secondly, I think we have this horrible habit of comparing ourselves (usually unfavourably) to other people. I can be awful for it, I have to sit down and remind myself that I moved to a new country, I'm running multiple businesses while writing. Sure some people may seem like they're ahead of me, but I'm happy and that's what counts.

    Do what works for you and makes you happy, you'll achieve your goals :)

  76. I'd say it looks like you're doing great! While comparing yourself to someone might happen accidentally, there are just too many variables in all our lives to dwell on the final product, especially volume numbers. Now learning about marketing techniques - great idea! Happy Blitz Day.
    Marlene at On Writing and Riding

  77. It's never worthwhile to compare yourself to another author. You are you and you're doing great! Happy Blitz Day!

  78. Be the best you! All that other stuff doesn't work~ Happy Blitz Day to you!

  79. Stay true to what you know. That's what counts. Happy Blitz Day:)

  80. I love the quote! I, too, worry too much about what other writers are accomplishing and what I am not. I recently had an internal debate about my WIP, did I want to push ahead and send it to my publisher so I could get it out to readers or did I want to fix what I know was wrong with the plot, possibly rewriting at least half of the story and in the end, very long end, have a book in my readers' hands that I could be proud of. I chose the latter because not only do I want to be proud of my work, I want to do right by my characters, which is the reason why I started writing in the first place. To get their stories out, not my own, and by rushing the edits I was doing them an injustice. It's hard to think I still have half of a year to go before my book will be ready for my publisher (so that will make it two years in between releases) and I have to keep reminding myself that I'm doing the right thing, that it doesn't matter how slow I'm writing, the end will be worth.

    ...at least I hope it will. :/

    Happy Blitz Day.

  81. Hi J.L.! It is good to be aware of what other comparable authors are doing, but impossible to compare each others' lives. Take whatever lessons you can from what you see, but your life might be much fuller than hers is. And life has a habit of changing up on us too. Her outflow might dry up for various reasons while yours stays the same or speeds up. You never know what the future holds!

  82. It should be a motivating factor for you. You have been doing quite well even if you don;t write full time. I also feel that by giving free books you do encourage reviews but you must advertise or tell people to give their reviews. Some may not be even aware of it. They just like to read.
    Happy Blitz Day.
    * i am off to check out your books.*

  83. Regarding free books and reviews, yes, I've noticed the same thing. Some of the most unkind reviews come from people who got the book for free. Don't quite understand the psychology of that. Happy Blitz Day.

  84. Happy Blitz Day! I also am amazed at how many books some people can get out and the speed at which they do it, while I'm still slogging away at my first one. But then I remind myself of all the other things which have to take priority in my life right now and stop beating myself up about it.

    Just keep doing what you're doing! :)

  85. I often have to remind myself not to compare myself with other people - we all do things differently, and we all have different circumstances.
    Happy Blog Blitz! :)

  86. So what shall we talk about.... hmmm! I love coming to places that I can see some of my art designs... see I always make it about me. WINK! Free is not always a good thing, people sometimes don't tend to take it serious.. I hope you have a great day. I will expect you to stop over for coffee, tea... of course when you clean your blog house from the rest... :)

    Jeremy [Retro]

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

  87. Well said! We're all on our own unique journey. Also, it's possible that other author had a dozen unpublished manuscripts under his/her bed and isn't as prolific as it would appear. :)

    Happy Blitz, J.L.!

    VR Barkowski

  88. Ah such good points! I often feel badly that I'm not doing 'enough' writing, but the truth is that I also have a very demanding job which affects how much writing I do. And that's ok, really! Right? Right!
    Happy Blitz Day :)
    AJ @ Naturally Sweet

  89. One book is better than none, but I'm not sure 20 books is better than 10. All depends. I'm with the quality vs quantity comments. Enjoy the blitz!

  90. It's hard to compare yourself with another author. Set your goals and follow them, then celebrate each achievement along the way! Have a wonderful blitz day!

  91. Some days, I'm glad to be writing at all, though it's enormously frustrating to see the progress others have made, whether in their blogs, books, or articles published in various journals and magazines. Why can't that be me, I ask myself? And I know why it's not. I have to put in the time to get there.

  92. It's all too easy to get caught up in the comparison game, regardless of whether it's with work, family, or accomplishments. If you're writing in a way that satisfies you, continue to be satisfied with it, whether that produces one novel per year or one per decade. Have a wonderful blitz day!

  93. I enjoyed your post because (can you say insecure much?) I'm a relatively new writer. For me, with my two little books published, it seems as though you are an incredibly prolific and successful writer. Guess it's all a matter of perspective! Anyway, hope you're having a great blitz day!

  94. I've definitely done that, but then I remember that my journey is just different - that's all there is to it.
    Happy writing your way! And have a wonderful blitz day!

  95. I've been in your shoes and compared how I'm doing to others. It never got me writing any faster. Now, I just do my best to not worry about others and try to work at my own pace.

  96. Yes! I definitely do this!

    It happens to me when I am researching a blog idea. I come across so many great posts that have already covered the topic. It can be deterring.

    Happy Blitz Day! & a visit from a fellow IWSG member.

  97. Great quote. I sincerely think it's far better to compare ourselves to ourself or yesterday (or a few months or years ago) than to another person. I found a great quote that said "Look in the mirror, there's your competition." I do try to remember that, because I'm guilty of this same thing - comparing myself to others when I have no idea what their actual circumstances are.

    Anyway...Happy Blitz Day!

  98. I definitely do this, even though I know I shouldn't.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  99. What a perfect day for a blitz (at least for writers)! I so relate to this blog post and to the quote. We are all in the IWSG with you. Happy Blitz Day!

  100. I think it's great that you took a step back and really looked at what was working for this other author. A measuring stick is a good thing when you want to grow. My own local writers' group is constantly observing what works for other writers in their market, and then applying it to our own work.

    I'm glad to drop by on Blitz Day -- I was here in April for the A to Z Challenge.

  101. You're pretty smart to look up an author whose books are linked to yours. And Happy Blitz Day.

  102. Hello JL! It's your Blog Blitz Day!! And it's hard to not compare ourselves to others...about anything. I'm sure musicians do, and all the other passionate-about-their-work people! Have a great weekend.

  103. Congratulations on your Blitz Day, JL! I think we are socialized into believing that we are in competition with everyone else and that when one person wins, at least one other person has to lose. If there's one thing I've learned from my six months of concentrated reading is that there are a LOT of good books out there. Being on a big best-seller list is just one of the measurements. Having a book change a life, that is another. There are as many measures as there are people.

  104. Great post! It's hard not to compare ourselves to others, even though as you say we all have our own path. Happy Blitz Day! :)

  105. It is possible that the other writer had a "desk drawer full" when s/he finally sent to a publisher. There's also the quantity versus quality debate. And a possibility of a ghost writer or two eing involved. Stephen King writes every day and has a great editor. How many books does he typically release in a year? I think it's about three. JK Rowling was giving us Harry Potter at about one a year. There's always another side. You have to do what is right for you. Write at your pace and market hard.
    Happy Blitz Day. Hang in there.

  106. Happy Blitz Day.

    I would love to write full-time one day, although my day job gives me lots of ideas to write about.

  107. Don't we all underestimate what we do? We certainly undervalue what we've accomplish. That's especially true when you're comparing yourself to another.

    Don't do it.

    Each of us has a process. Can't we improve the process? Sure we can. But it has to be based on what we can do and analyzing the good things we're doing and looking for ways to compete with OUR SELF to improve, not with someone else. Competing with someone else could cause you rush and a slap up product just have it out there b/c author A has one is not good.

    Continue creating quality stories and putting them out there when they're ready. Readers really don't mind waiting for another good story from an author they like. But, I can tell you from personal experience, I get seriously pissed off to get my hands on the next book only to find it's a rush job and it shows.

    Hang in there.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  108. Happy Blitz Day. Hope you find inspiration and encouragement. I know how you feel. I need to not expect so much from myself either. We can only do so much in a 24 hour period.

  109. Some folks have copious amounts of free time--either through luck or diligent planning. Either way, quality beats quantity, at least in my book. Happy Blitz Day! (even if I am a tad late.)

  110. Happy Blitz Day! (okay yesterday, but hey, better late than never lol!) I so know what you mean, I constantly undervalue who I am and what I do. Even if someone throws a positive comment at me I feel not worthy and uncomfortable - all my life! Which I know is silly, I have accomplished some amazing things, but I think if that's in your makeup no amount of positivity will change that :(
    Suzanne @ Suzannes-Tribe

  111. I'm definitely guilty of undervaluing what I am and overvaluing what I'm not. I think that's a constant struggle for many writers. It's great that you found some perspective on this rather than dwelling on the comparison between your writing career and another author's. Good for you! I need to try to keep this lesson in mind. Hope you had a lovely Blitz Day!

  112. So sorry I'm late in posting this: HAPPY BLITZ DAY!!

  113. You're so right, I do this all the time, although you have far less to worry about with regard to comparisons than I, as I'm still very new to this industry. One of the first lessons' I learned though was that admiring someone else can be inspirational. Comparing another's success with our (or lack there off in my case) is far from healthy and definitely not productive! Good for you.

    Happy Blitz Day! :).


  114. I recently published a post about best-selling authors who’d been rejected. I looked at the top 20 best- selling authors of all time. Most had written dozens, hundreds of books, but J.K. Rowling only 11. Just some food for thought. :) Nice IWSG post. Happy blitz day!

  115. I'm getting a lot better at valuing what I am and believing in what I can become lately- but it's taken me a LOOOOOONNG time to get here! Keep the faith, and keep writing!

  116. You are so right. We simply can't compare ourselves to others, only strive to do our best and give it all we've got.
    I think it's amazing you have 12 books out!! Wow!!
    Happy Blitz Day Joy!! You're a superstar! :D

  117. Gosh, yes, I compare my lack of progress to others' achievements all the time! And hey, you needn't - look at what a solid backlog of published books and stories you have out there. I'm still a fledgling. I think you're doing really well! Happy belated blog blitz day :-)

  118. I'm a bit late making my way here but wanted to visit. I'm new(ish) to blogging/writing. I keep thinking writing a book would be fun but I never actually sit and start! MY cousin writes and told me to just sit and start writing, I can always edit later. I really need to do it sometime!

    Hope you had a great blitz day!

  119. Thanks for visiting! Appreciate your support.

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  121. I think every writer undervalues herself and overvalues what others are, at a moment or another. I do it sometimes, when I feel down.
    I'd would love to have more time for my writing, but so far I haven't been able to leave my day job. I'm not overly concerned about it, because, thankfully, I do a job I like. But writing is what I want to do and I have so little time for that. Still, I write nearly every day and I'm doing a lot of work and I'm happy for that.
    Thanks for the nice post.


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