The Plot Thickens

Monday, June 16, 2014

June 16, Xantrope, West Indies

Today, there is a new development to last week's news item related to the slaying of a visiting businessman. Orette James was shot to death a week ago outside The Hummingbird restaurant and his murder is being investigated. The woman who was with him at the time was released from hospital and subsequently abducted
Miss Davies was missing for less than eight hours, having staged a daring escape. She shared her story with the Xantrope Daily Clarion. Be warned that her account of what took place reads like fiction. The events are relayed here. 

This release is part of the promotion for the novel Taming Celeste that is scheduled for release on June 28. Feel free to visit the website of the Xantrope Daily Clarion for breaking news on this bizarre story. Drop in here on Wednesday to see what else is happening on Xantrope. 

Last, but not least, hop over to the IWSG website where my post today is about writing a male character from a female's perspective. See you over there!


  1. Oh, yeah! Lotsa stuff to do still, but anyway...moving right along. :)

  2. I really liked your post about writing from a man's perspective.

  3. This is great marketing! You are such a good writer.

    1. Thanks, Mike. I wanted to do something a little different. Just need to put a bit more effort into it. Dunno why time is at such a premium.

  4. Wow. Serious wow. I couldn't tell if it was real or not! Way to go.

  5. Great marketing. Off to check out your ISWG post now!

  6. Really good! I love how you did this :)


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