For Your Reading Pleasure - Christine & Anya

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Here’s hoping you all had a wonderful Christmas season and that the New Year will be filled with blessings. 

Just in case you missed my first announcement, my book Christine’s Odyssey can be downloaded from Story Cartel free. The only catch is that after reading you leave a review for the chance to win 1 of 3 $10.00 Amazon vouchers. This is a time-limited offer, so click on over to StoryCartel now! You know you wanna.

Thanks to those who’ve signed up to help with the cover reveal for Chasing Anya on January 13. There will be an Amazon Gift Voucher ($15.00) on offer for those who participate. So if you want to help out by posting the cover and such on January 13, please feel free to sign up on the linky list below or on the sidebar. This author appreciates your help muchly.
Lean in closer, ‘cause I have a secret. If you’re interested in reading the book, it’s free today. Why is that? Well, the book (review) tour comes up in January and the people who will be participating have to read the book early. You can download the book here - today only

If you think you’ll be able to read and review by the end of January, you can sign up to write a review on Chasing Anya here. Note that there will also be an Amazon Card Giveaway.

Thanks so much for your help!


  1. All set for the cover reveal.
    Hope January rocks for you, Joy. Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks, Alex. Hope 2014 is a wonderful read for you too!

  3. I'll be happy to post your cover reveal. And, I have Christine's Odyssey up for my next read, so I should be able to post a review by the end of January. Happy New Year, Joy!

    1. Bish, thanks ever so much. Enjoy the read and Happy New Year to you too!

  4. Congrats on the cover reveal coming up! Looking forward to seeing it!

  5. Wahoo! How exciting. I'm only posting on Wednesdays this year -- to stay sane -- so while I'd love to participate in the reveal, I wouldn't be able to do it until the 15th. If that's acceptable, I'm totally in. =)

    1. Any day you can do is fine with me, Crystal. Thanks a mil!

  6. Yes! I'm in. Happy New Year, Joy! :)

    1. Thanks so much, Mina! You rock as always and Happy New Year to you too.

  7. Wishing you all the best in the new year, Joy!!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  8. I hope you have a wonderful new year.

    Let me know if you need a blog tour stop. :-)

  9. Happy New Year! I need to sign up for the reveal.

  10. Joy, I will definitely read and review. I won't sign up, though, because I don't know if I can meet the deadline. I made a production schedule for myself for 2014, which is pretty grueling. But when I read and review your next book, I'll be sure to feature it on my blog and post the review to GR and Amazon.

    1. Thanks, Susan. I know how schedules go. Appreciate your help.

  11. I'm in for the reveal! Best of luck with it :)

  12. A toast to Christine and Anya!! Seems that they're off to a good start...
    Wishing you a happy, peaceful and prosperous 2014, Joy!


Don't be shy, I'd love to hear what you think.