A Flock of Ill Omens Out Today

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Today is the release day for A Flock of Ill Omens, the first installment in Hart Johnson’s A Shot in the Light serial. See the cover and blurb below.

Deadliest virus in a century, or a social experiment gone awry?

Every year they warned about the flu and more often than not, it amounted to nothing. Sidney Knight, a young freelance reporter had certainly never written on it. But a trip to Lincoln City, Oregon cut short by a beach full of dead seagulls and a panicked warning from her brother, the scientist, catch her attention. This batch is different. Deadlier. And the vaccine doesn't seem to be helping. It almost looks like it's making it worse...

A Flock of Ill Omens: Part I is the first episode of A Shot in the Light, an Apocalypse Conspiracy Tale about what happens when people play God for fun and profit. There will be approximately ten episodes, each the equivalent of about 100 pages.

Share the buy link:  A Flock of Ill Omens
Like me on Facebook: Hart Johnson
Mark me as 'to read' on Goodreads: A Flock of Ill Omens

Hart Johnson writes books from here bathtub and can be found at Confessions of a Watery Tart, though be warned. She is likely to lead you into shenanigans.

Now on to the Blogfest...
Here’s my take on the end of the world scenario.

You know, I can’t say when exactly we’ll have messed up everything (the planet, peaceful relationships with each other, etc.) to the point of no return, but I feel God will either get to the point where he annihilates us with a massive fiery blast or we blow the planet to smithereens with our weapons of mass destruction. 

Until then, counting down the hours…

That’s my take and I’m sticking with it.

Visit the other hoppers here


  1. Excited for Hart!
    Judgement Day is coming. Thank God for the Rapture though.

  2. "When people play God...." This is often serious. I'll share the book on Twitter.

  3. I prefer the quick, but with a prior warning so folks can escape. God is forgiving and he won't annihilate us, but we may annihilate us.

    Go Hart!

  4. Wow-- this sounds like a suspenseful book from start to finish!

  5. Congrats Hart, this novel sounds great and relevant to today. Well J.L. when the end comes it comes. No one knows the day.

  6. I'm glad you posted on my space--your link kept diverting me earlier! Thank you so much for participating and sharing!!! And I don't WANNA burn!!!

    1. No worries, Hart. Glad to help. Not sure about my space since I don't have an account.

  7. Thanks to all your fabulous readers, too!!

  8. Burning sounds quick. Slow wouldn't be so good! Congrats to Hart on your new release.

  9. That reminds me of The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock. Just creepy.

    I'm with you on the end of the world thing. I think God will step in, in some way. I hear stories about how the prophesies from the Bible are coming true. Scary.

  10. Congratulations, Hart! Love the premise of the story.

  11. The Bible says the world will end with fire, and I think our leaders are busily, ignorantly, stoking the flames. It won't be pretty no matter how it all ends. Who knows, maybe humanity will wake up before it's too late.

  12. I'm hoping that we don't get to the point where we destroy the planet out of stupidity.


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