Drawing Closer to YA Launch Date

Monday, March 25, 2013

It’s another week and a busy one at that, being Holy week and all. As a Catholic and someone who is part of a choir, it means a fair amount of time spent away from home. It’s a short week as well, so that means cramming in work for Friday into the other four days.

I’m in the throes of getting ready for Christine’s Launch. Not quite in panic mode yet, but I should be. It’s been an adventure this trip. I’ll tell you about that sometime. 
Just in case you haven’t added yourself to the Linky list for the launch and can do a post on Wednesday or later in the week, feel free to click the link. 

Thanks so, so much to those of you who are helping me get Christine and her story noticed around the blogosphere.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Don't be shy, I'd love to hear what you think.