Time & Submitting Your Fact or Fiction

Monday, February 11, 2013

I was at a funeral this past weekend, which reminded me of the fleeting nature of life and time. The person whose funeral I attended was 38, a bit young to be stolen away by death, I thought. I also thought about how much she had accomplished in life and how many lives she’d come in contact with, which led me to thinking about how much time I spend moaning and complaining about needing more time to write and edit, blah, blah, blah.

It also crossed my mind that Mary Higgins Clark lost her husband and is reputed to have raised five children while she pursued her writing career. I’ve got only one demanding boy and a demanding job, plus my weekend activities.

So, yeah, I should stop mumbling about needing a six-month leave of absence from work to vanquish some of the stuff that needs editing and such. Fact is, tomorrow isn’t promised to me so I gotta make use of today. It’s all I have. Planning is important too, so that also needs to be taken into consideration. The point of this post? Do what you can in the time you have.  You never know when your supply will run out because of one thing or another.

And now on to the blog-fest-I-should-have-thought-more-about-and-made-easier-for-people-to-participate-in.

So after badgering Amazon about why I couldn’t add Retribution to my Author Central page or find it through a regular search, it showed up and people are finding it. If you’re in the mood to celebrate its release with me, read on...

The Love…The Second Time Around Celebration dovetails with the theme of my-soon-to-be-released novel, Retribution. Help me celebrate by submitting your most interesting stories of people taking another shot at a relationship. 

·         There is no restriction as it pertains to form or genre. Stories can be fact or fiction. Use your imagination, make them attention-grabbing. 

·         Somewhere in there, you must tell the reader why the couple broke up and why they feel compelled to get back together. This can be done from any of your characters’ point-of-view.  

·         The word cap is 500.

·         Indicate on your blog post, by the relevant badge, whether you’re in the fact or fiction category.  

·         There will be voting and prizes, so it’ll be a reader’s choice situation, where you get to choose your favourite anecdote/poem/refection/story. The best piece of fact and fiction—as determined by your vote—will receive a $10.00 Amazon Gift Card, so that’s two prizes. 

     I will be reaching out to a few trusty bloggers so that in the event of ties, we can have a tie break decision. If we cannot decide on a winner in either category, prizes will be divvied up between the best two entries and the loot (meagre as it is) shared.

I hope you’ll join the fun and sign up below to participate. Entries open now, so get cracking on those stories.
·         Last day to submit your piece of fact or fiction is on February 14 (Valentine's Day). (Book release day is February 1, but we’ll be holding the blast off on Thursday, February 14, 2013.) The polls will open on February 15 and we’ll have a few days to read and vote. 
  Once you have your post written, add it here

·         Winners will be announced on Friday, February 22, 2013.  
I’d appreciate your help with spreading the word, so do hit one of the share buttons before you go and don't forget to sign up!
                  Thanks much!


  1. Hope you get a lot of entries!
    We aren't promised tomorrow, so we must do all we can with today.

    1. At this point, the lot of entries isn't likely to be a reality, but onward I go.
      Yup, make the most of the present moment is what I say.

  2. A sobering thought. We SHOULD do all we can with every moment because who knows what could happen next?

    Joy, I've got an idea for your blogfest but need to get my entry written in the next couple of days. Don't worry, I always do this with bloghops. :) Look forward to seeing the entries!

    1. I'm like you, Nick. I leave the posts for the blogfests until the last minute, almost. :)

  3. Death is the most powerful adviser we have, not in a morbid way, but exactly as you have presented in this blog. We are a time-limited creature and a true awareness of that is a gift beyond measure. Great blog, JL.

    1. Thanks, for dropping in, Christina. True words that we're smart to pay heed to.


Don't be shy, I'd love to hear what you think.