Writing...Despite the Odds

Monday, October 29, 2012

I tend to say that we don’t appreciate the things we have until we don’t have them. Soon after Hurricane Sandy’s approach on Wednesday, the light & power company shut off the supply. It didn’t return until the wee hours of Saturday morning and left again for most of the day. The power came back that night.

I had too much time to stare at the ceiling, listening to radio programmes that I wouldn’t have given the time of day if I had electricity. When the power went, I was in the middle of writing a story. I had charged my laptop, so was able to continue writing after the power left. Of course, I did the wise thing and started writing in a notebook instead of using up the charge on the laptop. Dunno what it is that makes the words flow easier on paper than when I’m sitting in front of a screen. I don’t write with pen and paper any more though. It feels like doubling up on my work.

So anyway, I got that story finished and typed up the rest of it yesterday. I also got done with another one that I’d edited. Next step is to print out all the stories and do another read through.  And so I keep moving on.

Thanks to all of you who responded to my last post.  I think I’ve over that – well until the next non-sensical review shows up.Writers are a smart, talented bunch and so we keep on doing what we've been gifted to do despite the naysayers.

I hope all my blogging buddies will stay safe and sound during this hurricane that has now developed into a monster.The Allamanda below have nothing to do with this post, but they are my favourite flowers and a reminder of how nature goes about its business, no matter the circumstances.

What d’you have planned this week? 


  1. Beautiful flowers.

    I once read a book that strongly encouraged writers to pick up pen and notebook and write, long hand, without censorship. This author believed honesty flowed from the pen. It's poetic, but as you stated, not always very practical.

    Stay safe!

    1. Hey, Julie,
      I do enjoy writing like that and did it for my first couple of books. As you pointed out though, it isn't very practical.

  2. I've been taking my laptop to the coffee shop lately to get some writing time in and have gotten into the habit of starting off by writing in my notebook. When I get a few pages written, I'll fire up the laptop and copy what I wrote in the notebook. It sounds like I'm wasting time doing that, but like you said, the words seem to come easier when I have a pen or pencil in hand. And when I'm stuck in a scene, I'll close the laptop and take out the notebook and so far it's worked really well for me. Glad you guys got your electricity back. (:

    1. Hey, Elise. I think writing by hand is a good thing to do when I need to relax. Really happy to get the power back. Time seems to drag without it.

  3. Hurricane Sandy made me appreciate the little things too J.L. Glad you got some writing done and those flowers are beautiful. This week I'm gearing up for Nano among other things.

    1. Thanks, Sheena-Kay,
      Wish I could be part of the NaNo madness. I love it, but I'm letting good sense prevail. Haven't finished it in a couple of years.

  4. I don't have much luck writing by hand. I tend to doodle more than write. But I mostly edit by hand - especially in the early stages.

    Love Allamanda!

  5. I'm glad you got through the hurricane and your power is back on. I used to write my stories in a notebook first, too, but don't do it anymore. At least you were able to get some writing done during the power shortage. No, don't listen to the naysayers. Just keep moving forward, Joy. This week I'm caring for my grandbaby nine hours a day, as usual (which is why I seldom get over to visit you much and so many of my blogger friends). Hubby and I will take him to visit my folks one day this week. Today's my mom's BD, so it will be a treat for her to spend some time with one of her great-grandkids. Take care!

  6. Am relieved you're safe. Keep writing, and producing your delightful stories, Joy.

  7. I'm glad Sandy only caused a brief power outage and that you are safe and sound. As for writing by hand, there is something more immediate, maybe even visceral about it. Certainly holding a pen and placing your hand on paper is warmer, softer than a keyboard.

    I bet the Allamanda enjoyed what rain it got. Lovely.

  8. Tonight I'm walking through a home that I like (and have watched online as the price dropped over several months). It's still too expensive but it's getting closer to the price point I could afford. I figured I might as well do a walk through since I'm stalking the place and see if it is actually something I'd like to own.

    Then tomorrow I'm going to the optometrist. I need new glasses as I ruined my old ones by wearing them in the sauna. I had no idea the special coating would melt in that heat. Oh well.

  9. You were wise to save the battery power. I hope I can start NaNo tomorrow.

  10. I try to write 10 minutes of free-writing in response to the one word prompt at Oneword.com (one time I managed to do the exercise everyday, without missing, for about 6 weeks) After that, I continue with my WIP.
    During the times when I'm experiencing a "creative drought", then the free-writing becomes the only writing for the day, but at least I've written something...


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