The A-Z's of Planning & Execution

Monday, September 10, 2012

This is the final week of the Friendship-is-Forever Blog Tour and I’ll be stopping in the United States, Australia, Austria and South Africa. It’s been a blast and I already have a seed of an idea that I’ve been putting on index cards.

In other news, I got an email from one of the local papers earlier in the week, letting me know they’d be publishing a review of my women’s fiction/family drama novel, Dissolution. It was comprehensive and captured all that I was going for in the novel. It’s great when a reader understands all that’s gone into the story execution. I figure I should be able to get it scanned, so I can use it to promote that book.

To come back to the tour, I’ll be hanging out at the A-Z Challenge Blog. Many of you took part in that mega-blogging April event, so you might be interested in finding out how I’ve linked Distraction and the A-Z Challenge. Click on over for a quick visit.

P.S. Don’t forget to enter the competition for the personalized Distraction
notepad and pen and $10 Amazon Gift Card on the Rafflecopter.


  1. I'm hopping over to check out how on earth you've managed to link the A-Z Challenge with your book...

  2. Congrats on getting your paper to review your book. I'll stop in to see your A-Z Post.

    1. Hi, Lee,
      They publish my stories, so I gave the editor a copy of the book. It's wonderful of them to actually write a review, since it wasn't requested or discussed.

  3. Congrats on getting the review for Dissolution, Joy. Wishing you much success with this tour and I'll help to keep the fire going even when the tour is over. I've been busy trying to wrap up editing, publishing, etc.

    I have to learn how to reconnect with my Jamaican culture. I've spent more years in North America than I've lived in Jamaica.

  4. Hi, Peaches,
    Thanks for dropping in. I know how busy you must be trying to tie up all your stuff.

    D'you visit at all? They have all sorts of interesting stuff on there.

  5. Congratulations on the review and on approaching the end of your blog tour. I hope a lot of greatness has resulted from your trip around the world :-)

  6. That's exciting, being in your local paper! Love your photo cube :-)

  7. Thanks, Susan, it's cetainly been an experience. We'll see what happens after the jet lag goes away. :)

    Deniz, thanks. It should give sales a bump hereabouts.

  8. It's cool that the paper would email you about the review. You linked the A to Z with your book very nicely. Thanks for joining us there.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks for dropping in, Lee. They publish my short stories, so it's a kind courtesy from the editor of the literary pages.

  9. Congratulations on the review. Getting the word out is great! Good luck with the rest of your book tour.

  10. Just went to Australia but found nothing. Are you okay? Have a good day.

    1. Thanks for checking in, Peaches. I'm thinking my host probably got busy and missed the date. Sent an email. Hoping she's okay.

  11. Congratulations on getting in the paper, Joy. You are hitting the big time.

    1. Thanks, Mike,
      The editor knows I have a clue about writing, so we have a good relationship. Didn't expect the review though.

  12. That's awesome on the review!!! Very cool :)

    Your tour has sure taken you to a lot of interesting places - love it!

    1. Thanks, Jemi. Yes, I've been all over the virtual world.

  13. That's so cool about the review!! Yay!

  14. Congratulations on getting reviewed by a reader who gets what you wanted to say in Dissolution!


  15. Thanks, guys. Appreciate your good wishes.


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