Adventure in England

Monday, September 3, 2012

At the end of last week, I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to make Distraction a free download on Amazon. If you haven’t gotten your copy, you can click the link here.

Today’s tour activity involves a stop in Britain, with Kiru Taye, writer of sensual romance novels.  Yeah, I can say that with some authority since I’ve read her work, some of which is set in Africa. Can you say exotic location? Oh, yeah.  

So, I’m over there talking a little bit about story crafting. I hope you’ll join me there. In the process, you’ll meet Kiru, who has a talent for creating sexual tension.

Have a great week and holiday—for those of you who live in America!  


  1. I'm off to check it out!
    Free copy? Gosh, I need to sort out the Amazon account thinggie... I mean, how difficult can that be?

    1. Not hard, Michelle. Download Kindle for PC if you don't have a Kindle. Hope your eyeballs don't bleed reading from the screen.

  2. Why am I so lucky to be a blogging writer? Because I get awesome FREE books! Thanks Joy. I just downloaded Distraction and now I'm headed over to Kiru's.

    1. Hey, Gwen,
      Yup, it's awesome to be able to download and read some really good books through our blogging buddies. Hope you enjoy the book!

  3. I'm headed over.

    I have A Baker's Dozen waiting for me in my Kindle. I can't wait to read it.

  4. Hopefully, your book was downloaded one million times this weekend!

  5. Great book! Waiting to read the next installment


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