Crime Fiction Alphabet - Dick Francis

Friday, June 29, 2012

This is week 'F’ in the Crime Fiction Alphabet. The idea behind this meme is to write something related to crime fiction that’s based on the letter of the week. This can be an author, the name of a book or something to do with writing crime fiction. The post should be up by the end of each week. See the rules for the Alphabet in Crime Fiction here. This Meme is run by Kerrie at Mysteries in Paradise.

Dick Francis
Something tells me I may have to bow out of this meme, time not allowing, but we’ll see. One of my favourite crime writers is Dick Francis (1920-2010). This gentleman was a jockey and in my view, an excellent storyteller. I’ve been reading him for a while now (read that as nearly twenty years) and have a fair number of his books. If you’re read him, you’ll know his novels are set in England around horses and the race track. Murder is usually on the agenda and is written in a suspenseful way that keeps you reading.  He’s had to be doing something right to have had more than forty international best-sellers. 

Now I believe in learning something new every day and found out just now that Francis’ last novels were written in tandem with his son. See the biography page for both men here.


  1. Dick Francis is someone I haven't read and with such a great writing career, maybe I should. I will look him up. Thank you.

  2. My sister owns every one of his novels because she loves him so much. Thanks for the spotlight.

    1. Your sister is a woman after my own heart. :)
      Having written this up, I'm thinking it's way past time I dusted off one of his novels for a second read.

  3. I've seen so many of his books, but never read a single one. Maybe it's time for me to change that. :-D

    1. You won't regret it, Misha. He's one of my favourites.

  4. I've not read Dick Francis before. If I ever make my way through my oh-so long TBR list, I may have to add his books. know how to write, woman! I am impressed with DISTRACTION. Slow going right now because I'm getting my next novel ready for an August release. I'm about 25% into it (since Kindle doesn't have the page numbers). BTW...who does your editing? I love that I haven't found a single error either. That always makes me way happy :-)

    1. Susan,
      If you're up for some murder, but maybe not mayhem, Dick Francis is your man. Thanks so much! Your comment made me smile. Distraction was my 2008 NaNo project, so I've been at it for a while. :D

  5. I always admire people who can team-write. I'm not sure I could!

    1. I tried it once and it makes me reluctant to do it again.

  6. I remember seeing his books in my school and public libraries but never picked them up. I can't remember why since I enjoy crime fiction. He's one of those writers I mysteriously overlooked. I'd like to eventually read him.


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