On Your Mark...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Today, is a holiday in Jamaica. Yippee!!!

At the start of each year, I have a list of things I want to accomplish. Some of those I got done in 2011, some I didn’t. 

The most significant thing I did was to self-publish a book. I did it without a lot of pre-planning, but it was a major achievement for me because it proved I can do exactly what I set out to do if I stay focused.

This year, there are several things on my 'to achieve' list. Planning is going to be very important, so too is execution. I’ll be launching a writing workshop and will be publishing my pet project Distraction.

I’m wishing all of my blogging and writing buddies, success in their endeavours. Feel free to share your personal vision.

The year 2012 is new and unfamiliar territory, but we can and will make our mark as the months roll by.

So, on your mark. Set. Go!

Many thanks to those of you who left a comment for Nina Jade Singer, who shared a wonderful Christmas message here. I’m pleased to announce that random.org chose Carol Kilgore as the winner of a copy of Secrets of the Knight.

 Last, but not least,