I don’t know what it is about November that makes it seem like such a crazy month. I suspect it’s a combination of NaNo, plus the fact that I’ve now worked two major tournaments this month. At the end of November, there’s another big one coming up, and it’s been this way for several years running.
As to NaNo, I don’t know why I bother. I suspect it’s because I’m too stubborn to quit. But quit I did last year at 12,000 words. I’d really like to finish this year as I have plans for this YA novel.
Limited access to the internet for two weekends has put a major spoke in my wheel, so look for me around your blogs this week. I’ve been a bad blogging buddy, but not to worry, I’ll catch up with you soon.
Backyard View @ Sandals Grande Riviera |
Last week, my latest book, Hardware, was featured on Author Island. If you have a minute drop in and read an excerpt from Hardware.
I've included a view of the backyard of the villa that's been my home since Friday night. Of course, I didn't even venture out there the entire weekend. No time to spare.
Here’s wishing you a wonderful week and a healthy word count for those doing NaNo.