Progress Report...Under the Tiki Hut

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I know I'm supposed to stay here today and fill you in on what I'm doing in the self-publishing arena, but I have to make a short trip. More on that in a few seconds...

I set myself a target date of September 19, 2011 to publish. Giving up the Dream has been edited to within an inch of its life. Any more tweaking and it'll be bland and voiceless.

The revenge set, Don't Get Mad...Get Even is on the gazillionth next-to-final read through. It tires me out to even think about it. You'd think if they placed in a competition the writer would be satisfied with their state of readiness, but not so. Getting close to handing them over for the next stage of the publication journey though.

Under the Tiki Hut
And now for the trip.

I've gone walkabout and will be Under the Tiki Hut with Carol Kilgore. I'm on the beach, laptop at the ready and what do I see?  Pop over and find out. 

Have a lovely day and go meet some of your writing goals!


  1. Wow is this the danger: "Any more tweaking and it'll be bland and voiceless." I completely relate. I did that with Dead Fall. I finally went back to my earliest drafts... it had become bland and voiceless.

  2. Enjoyed meeting you at the Tiki Hut, and decided to come check out your blog. Then I had to hop over to Romance Book Paradise. Isn't the World Wide Web wonderful!

  3. Sigh, editing. Such a necessary evil. Happy writing to you too!

  4. Editing something to death is so easy to do.


    Rest well!


  5. Yeah overediting will kill your book. You definitely need to know when to stop.

  6. Doralynn, I definitely want to avoid having to go back to the drawing board to fix stuff I should have known was right from the beginning. :)

    Maryann, yes, the net makes everything that much closer!

    Kelley, thanks. I actually like editing. It's when I've read something 150 times that I start wanting to tear out my hair.

    Tirz, oh yes, especially when posting to a network and getting tons on opinions.

    Michael, yes, knowing when to stop is key.

  7. Sometimes editing is like going to the dentist for a cleaning.

    Sometimes it's like a rose garden.

  8. Oh man, I want to be in that picture.

  9. Loree, apt descriptions.

    Sarah, lovely, isn't it?

  10. It's a rainy week here in PA and I so want to be in that picture right now!

  11. Wow, you've got a lot going on! You could use a bit of rest under the Tiki Hut. I'll pop over and visit. : )

  12. Nice blog you have here JL,
    As promised, I came over from Under the Tiki Hut. BTW, thank you for visiting my blog. I just became your latest follower (#376).
    Hope to see you in the blogosphere.

  13. Hi, Laura, we're praying for rain here as it's super hot right now. Would that we were able to do what we wished with the weather. Probably not a good idea though. Everybody would want something different. Imagine the havoc.

    Hey, Cynthia. Thanks!

    Claudia, lovely to meet you too. Thanks for following. I'm sure we'll catch up with each other.

  14. The dangers of overediting! It can creep on you and once it's there, it spreads!

    I can't wait to read your latest piece, Joy! Looking forward to it.

  15. Editing stinks but at least you know you'll have the best product possible (I'm sure it rocks already though!!!!).

  16. I'm hopping over right now, but not before I say how much I love and agree with your statement "Any more tweaking, and it'll be bland and voiceless." It reminds me of one of my friends who was taking an art class; the instructor kept making her rework the shading of the skin tones until the face was a bilious green. Then he dissed her painting. That sure taught me a lesson: Know when to stop before I go too far in the wrong direction. :)

  17. Thanks, Marlena, you can say that again. Isn't it amazing that when you're coming down to the end you're there has to be more stuff to be fixed?

    AA - So true. I think about that when I start wanting to tear my hair out.

    Michelle, I laughed over your comment. I'd so want to slap that teacher. Knowing when to stop is something we have to learn. For me, I know I should stop when I can't find anything I can improve on and start removing the commas I put in on the last edit. :)

  18. I just read your interview over there. A great post!

  19. Thanks, Naina!

    Talli, glad you liked it.

  20. Tiki hut? Now that doesn't sound fair. I'm just back from shops, via the bus with the most enormous bags of shopping you can imagine. I'm off to check you out.

  21. Good luck with pubbing--it's sooooo much work! Congrats to your success.

  22. Thanks so much for the good wishes. Gonna need it along with a lot of work, I see. :)


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