Wanna Win A Kindle? Find Out How

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Today, my blog is on loan to Novel Publicity for the Social Media Whirlwind Tour event below. What’s in it for you?  Read on…

Announcing the In Leah’s Wake Social Media Whirlwind Tour—WooHoo!

As part of this special promotional extravaganza sponsored by Novel Publicity, the price of the In Leah’s Wake Kindle edition has dropped to just 99 cents this week.

What’s more, by purchasing this fantastic book at an incredibly low price, you can enter to win many awesome prizes, including a Kindle, 5 autographed copies of the book, and multiple Amazon gift cards (1 for $100, 3 for $25, 5 for $10, and 10 for $5 – 19 in all)! Be sure to enter before the end of the day on Friday, August 26th, so you don’t miss out.

To win the prizes:

  1. Purchase your copy of In Leah’s Wake for just 99 cents
  3. Fill-out the form on the author’s site to enter for prizes
  5. Visit today’s featured event; you may win an autographed copy of the book!

And I can win $100 too if you vote for my blog over on the author’s website. The blog host that gets the most votes in this traffic-breaker polls wins, so please cast yours right after purchasing In Leah’s Wake and entering the contests!

The featured events include:

Monday, Blogaganza on Novel Publicity! We’re kicking-off on the Novel Publicity Free Advice blog. We’ll ask the writer 5 fun and random questions to get everyone talking. Leave a comment or question in response to the post, and you may win an autographed copy of In Leah’s Wake. Don’t forget to visit the author’s blog to enter for the other prizes!
 Tuesday, Twitter chat with the author! Tweet with us between 4 and 5 PM Eastern Time, using the hashtag #emlyn. We’ll be talking with the author about her favorite books and best writing advice. Bring your questions about In Leah’s Wake and don’t forget to use #emlyn or to follow Terri @tglong. By joining in the tweet chat at the designated time, you may win an autographed copy of In Leah’s Wake. Don’t forget to visit the author’s blog to enter for the other prizes!

 Wednesday, Google+ video chat with the author! Join our hangout between 12 and 3 PM Eastern Time to talk with the author and us via video chat. We’ll be gabbing about great books including In Leah’s Wake and about writing. Did you know that Terri is a creative writing instructor at Boston College? She’s got tons of good advice for aspiring writers. By joining in the Google+ video chat at the designated time, you may win an autographed copy of In Leah’s Wake. Don’t forget to visit the author’s blog to enter for the other prizes!

 Thursday, Facebook interview with the author! Stop by Novel Publicity’s Facebook page and ask Terri questions. She’s chosen three of her favorite topics to talk about:  writing, parenting, and gourmet cooking. Of course, you’re welcome to ask about In Leah’s Wake too. Leave a comment or question as part of the thread, and you may win an autographed copy of In Leah’s Wake. Don’t forget tolike Terri’s Facebook page or to visit her blog to enter for the other prizes!

 Friday, Fun & games based on the book! We want to close this whirlwind social media tour with a gigantic bang, which is why we've set-up two interactive book-themed features on the author’s blog. You can take the official Facebook quiz to find out which In Leah's Wake character is most like you and learn how that character ties into the story. Then try out our crossroads story game. Throughout the course of the narrative, you'll have several decisions to make. What you choose will affect the outcome of the story. Play as either rebellious teenager Leah or the trampled peacemaker and mother Zoe. Leave a comment or question on any of Terri’s blog entries, and you may win an autographed copy of In Leah’s Wake. Don’t forget to check out the other give-away contests while you’re on Terri’s blog!
 About In Leah’s Wake:  The Tyler family had the perfect life – until sixteen-year-old Leah decided she didn’t want to be perfect anymore. While Zoe and Will fight to save their daughter from destroying her brilliant future, Leah’s younger sister, Justine, must cope with the damage her out-of-control sibling leaves in her wake. Will this family survive? What happens when love just isn’t enough? Jodi Picoult fans will love this beautifully written and absorbing novel.

A Twitterview with Terri Giuliano Long, author of In Leah's Wake

You can tweet Terri @tglong. Please do!  To learn more about twitterviews, go here.

Twitterview with Terri, 1Twitterview with Terri, 2Twitterview with Terri, 3Twitterview with Terri, 4Twitterview with Terri, 5


  1. I switched over to the Nook because I can loan and borrow books. More people should make their stuff available for the Nook.

  2. I know, Michael. If I could have afforded it, I would have bought that instead of a Kindle.

  3. What an interesting Q&A format. I loved that! And thanks for all the info on those contests! Doralynn

  4. I seem to have a problem with closing out comments too soon today. I wanted to ask if you're doing okay. I know that hurricane has been causing a lot of problems. I hope you're staying safe.

  5. Hey, Doralynn,

    Yes the twitter format is pretty cool. If you can believe it, we've had no rainfall from Irene. Thank God for that.

  6. Hi fellow Campaigner. I covet your cool interview graphic! Great interview.

  7. OOOH WOW! This book sounds good and I would LOVE to win a Kindle! I will have to go and check this all out, do my voting, fill out my forms, but the book and more! So cool :)

  8. Kelly and Abby, thanks for stopping. By all means, go support Terri.

  9. Great interview and comments! So glad I found your blog and thanks for stopping by mine!

  10. Hi Joy! Thanks for the heads up about Terri's novel and such! I will definitely give it a look over as soon as I'm able. And I love her interview. It was all very well-done.

  11. Toby & Marlena, thanks for dropping in. I've heard good things about the novel.

  12. What an incredible blog tour! Congratulations, Terri, on Leah's Wake and for also having it going on when it comes to marketing.

  13. Oh now I'm back to the Kindle via Nook discussion! Does anyone know if you can transfer from Kindle for PC to your Kindle?


  14. Thanks for stopping in, Michelle. Yes, this tour has been making an impact.

    Denise, you can drag and drop the items from one to the other, but you have to make sure to drop the book in the right file on the Kindle (in documents) or it won't show up.

  15. Wow, that's wonderful that you've had no rainfall from Irene. I'm happy you're safe from the storm. It's become quite the monster.

  16. I see on the cable that it should make landfall again on Saturday. Hope it doesn't do a lot of damage.


Don't be shy, I'd love to hear what you think.